"Bashful and Backward" Truck Driver Becomes Bold Missionary

In 1972, Bill Horstmeyer was a "bashful, backward" bread truck driver when he found a discarded copy of the Chick tract, This Was Your Life at a revival meeting.

"Don't Let The Cops Catch You Reading This"

Sometimes humor is the best way to get someone to take a tract. When Tim Berends was a child, his Baptist minister father passed out tracts wherever they went. If they arrived at a gas station, his father would tell Tim to get a tract out to give to the station attendant. Once, Tim complained, “Do we have to give a tract to everybody?” Now, 70-some-odd years later, Tim makes it his goal to pass out tracts to “everybody.”

"Great Commission" Foreign to 51% of Church Goers

Having eliminated all biblical training in our government schools —and at most family dinner tables— recent generations are strikingly illiterate of even common biblical concepts.

"I Am Too Shy To Talk To People"

Here's a few easy tips on passing out tracts without even saying a word.

"I Was Outraged!"

Angered by the comic, "Alberto", the more he researched it the more his eyes were opened to the truth.

"Story Guy" Uses Tracts for Sermons in Disguise

Michael Roehm likes to hand out Chick tracts. He also likes to tell stories. So, he combined the two.

"This World Keeps Spinning Faster, Into a New Disaster..."

Many youth feel the world is such a mess, that there is nothing left but despair. But there is hope.

"To Win Gangs, Use Saturation Evangelism" Says Converted Gang Banger

"You can't just spit in the gang neighborhood, you have to storm it," says ex-gang banger David Rojas of Victory Outreach in San Diego, California.

"Why Did You Put My Story in this Tract?"

When you share a gospel tract, sometimes God does something amazing by bringing just the right person.

...“hardly ANYBODY turns me down!”

Evangelist Tim Berends tells how most people gladly accept the tract 'Plagues' during this time of global pandemic.

‘Tract Ministry Radically Changed Me’

A brother in Christ from California shares how he was initially concerned that people would react in hostility to receiving tracts. What shocked him was that people would often respond with gratitude, making way for a witnessing opportunity!

“Death Tech” Hopes to Stop the Clock

If you could turn back the proverbial clock, would you? What if you could stop the clock altogether? That’s what some companies are trying to do in an emerging industry known as “death tech.”

“I'm forever grateful for that little tract…”

Singer and musician, Kathleen Carnali, tells how the Chick tract, 'This Was Your Life' she received as a teenager in Massachusetts was instrumental in her salvation.

“It’s Comic-Con, How Could They Refuse a Comic?”

A Chick customer tells about an exciting tract outreach her church was able to do this July at Comic-Con in San Diego, California.

“Java Jack” Tells How Chick Tracts Changed His Life

In the following letter, “Java Jack” tells us how God used Chick tracts to grab his attention, and later for him to use to witness to all his customers.

10 Easy ways to share the Gospel Halloween night.

We've put together a Halloween Help Guide to give you some ideas that work (we've tried them!) so that you can be a light for Jesus in your neighborhood.

10 Million Souls on Our Doorstep; Do We Care?

Many churches, particularly in the southern part of the United States, have long had a burden for the ready-made mission field that comes across our southern border. But now the flood is almost overwhelming in that area and the entire country has been opened to that soulwinning opportunity

100,000 Tracts for “Catholic Stronghold” State of Guanajuato, Mexico

The population of Guanajuato State is over 6 million (2020 census) and over 94% of the population professes the Catholic religion.

1200 Saved Watching Chick Gospel Video

Missionary Bill Eubanks has just returned from Nairobi, Kenya where he showed an English version of the Chick Gospel video, The Light of the World and led 1200 people to Christ.

2021 Halloween... Look What Happened!

Read testimonies sent to us by customers telling about their evangelism efforts during Halloween.

240,000 Gospel 'Seeds' Planted in Zimbabwe: Harvest Ripe

Chick tracts and gospel film help lead thousands to Christ in Zimbabwe.

4000 Tracts Quietly Seeded at Muslim Festival

Chick tracts distributed at Arab Festival by soul-winner wearing 'I (heart symbol) Muslims' t-shirt.

42nd Street Soul Saving Station

"We don`t have to 'go unto all the world.` The world comes to us," says 42nd Street Soul Saving Station Pastor Brian Kelly.

4th Grader Teaches Principal A Lesson in Free Speech

School kids often face hostility from school officials when they pass out tracts. This fourth grader refused to back down and won a major victory.

8 Weeks Jail for Distributing Chick Tracts in Singapore

In a trial that has dragged on for over a year, Dorothy Leng and Ong Cheong were finally sentenced to jail for their "offences [that] affected the very foundation of Singapore society," according to Judge Roy Neighbour.

800 Tracts Gone in 20 Minutes

Every day, thousands of Chick tracts go out to every corner of the world.

9-11 Opened A New Witnessing Opportunity

Cataloging all the changes is not possible but soul winners have joined in the world's sudden new focus on Islam.

A Burning Desire for Lost Souls Led to Saturation Mission

Greg Watford shares some great success stories of saturation with Chick tracts in Louisiana.

A Chick Tract Filled the Gap

"Even after 17 years in the prison ministry the Lord continually shows me new ways to use tracts."

A Christian's Immediate Evangelistic Device (IED)... A Chick Tract

This Evangelistic 'Warrior' shares examples of easy ways to use tracts to 'wage spiritual war' against Satan.

A Message From David Daniels

People are mysteriously dropping dead or into comas. It’s a lie that we have ‘all the time in the world.’ We don’t. But we can be sure about one thing…

A Message From David Daniels

A door is opening. Freedom of religious speech is being acknowledged again. Let’s continue to get as many gospel tract seeds spread as we can.

A Message From David Daniels

When prayer was taken out of American schools, a vacuum was created. It didn’t stay that way for long.

A Message From David Daniels

We have an exciting opportunity that will enable us to ship one million tracts to the Philippines for 66 pastors who will be distributing them throughout the country.

A Message from David Daniels

We in the church today have lived in comfort far longer than almost any generation that has gone before. And now we are at a crossroads.

A message from David Daniels

Our whole world has been overtaken by a physical virus, but let's not forget about the most deadly virus of all, called sin.

A Message From David Daniels

Does God say we are supposed to be panicking? What can we be doing while the rest of the world is?

A Message from David Daniels

I have had my first interviews from what could be hostile reporters. Both were from people who showed no signs of being Christian. What an opportunity!

A Message from David Daniels

One cool morning in California, the Lord prompted me to walk a 'long route' to the office. I listened to that nudging and afterwards, I understood why!

A Message From David Daniels

Revival! What does it mean? Who does it begin with? Why doesn’t the church revive? We need to ask ourselves some important questions.

A Message from David Daniels - May 2024

Brothers and Sisters, God has given us a tool to break through all the devilish programming that is hurting our kids. Do you know what that tool is?

A Message from David Daniels - November 2021

Revival may not be what you think it is. Here’s what it is, and how to get it.

A Message from David Daniels - September 2021

My wife’s father just died. Thankfully, he was saved and is now reunited with his wife in heaven! But I was thankful about a second thing as well...

A Message From David W. Daniels

This Halloween, be a rebel against the system. Stock up with tracts to take advantage of this great, once-yearly opportunity to seed the gospel into your neighborhood.

A Message From Jack Chick

Our duty is to pray for our leaders.

A Message From Jack Chick

Introducing a new tract that appeals to the selfishness of the unsaved.

A Message From Jack Chick

Today I went fishing for men and ladies. It was fun!

A Message From Jack Chick

My pastor let me conduct a local tract test with my church. The result was surprising.

A Message From Jack Chick

A message from Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

Where is anyone who can solve the incredible wave of insanity coming? The people are consumed with entertainment, sports, politics and are blind to see God`s judgment on the horizon.

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick


A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

Our schools are being used to keep children away from the gospel, and to expose them to things that can destroy their futures. That is why they need "Li'l Susy."

A Message From Jack Chick

Jack Chick introduces a new tract

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

The pressure to drop the part of "Light of the World" that insisted there was only one way to God came from the most unexpected places.

A Message From Jack Chick

Introducing "The Chaplain". There are those who don't want our military to be given the real gospel when their lives are at risk.

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick

Islam is not a message of peace. Muslims, just like the rest of us, are lost without Christ.

A Message From Jack Chick

A Message From Jack Chick - May 2000

A message from Jack Chick.

A Message From Jack Chick - Nov 2009

History shows that even after God's judgment has begun, there is still hope if people will turn to Him.

A Message From Jack Chick - November/December

Thousands of people are immigrating to the U.S. What a great opportunity to tell them about Jesus!

A Message From Jack Chick About Ecumenism

When this famous tele-evangelist apologized for calling the Catholic Church the "Great Whore" of Scripture, he is ignoring her bloody history, playing right into her hands.

A Message From Jack Chick Sep-2009

Message from Jack Chick about Halloween witnessing - 2009

A Pandemic Bigger Than COVID-19

In the U.S., the suicide rate increased 24% between 1999 and 2014, totaling over 48,000 in 2018. Only the gospel can change a person's heart and Chick tracts are the easiest way to get the message out.

A Special Message From Jack Chick

His high school friends thought he would be the last guy on earth to receive Christ.

A Surprise Ending!

One of the biggest surprises I have had was at the end of a church service where I had given my testimony.

A Vacation From Soul Winning?

Is a vacation also a break from soul winning? Serious Bible believers know that there is nothing about that in the great commission.

A Witnessing Tip By Thomas Heinze

Often it is important for a soul winner to know what a person really believes before presenting the gospel.

About Author Gerald Sutek

Background information about author Gerald Sutek, author of "Street Preachers' Manual" and "I Am Not Ashamed."

Advice of 47 Years

How street preaching builds strong, powerful preachers.

America Must Become “Good” Again

As America has turned away from God, she has been losing what made her great. The path to recovering her greatness is not political, it is spiritual. She must turn back to God.

Americans Suddenly More Interested in Religion

In the first poll on religion since the September 11 terror attacks, the Gallup organization found that there was a significant increase in religious interest in the U.S.

An Open Mission Field Next Door

Prisoners already know they are sinners. They are often open to the gospel, if we care enough to take it to them.

Ancient Chick Tract Still Doing Its Job

A Chick distributor in Brazil shares the story of a tract that keeps on ticking.

Animated Chick Tracts Finding Many Uses

Ideas you can use! Soul winners are finding a number of ways to use this DVD to reach their communities.

Anyone Over Six Feet Gets One of These

Tim Berends gives great ideas on how to pass out tracts (and get them accepted).

Are Some Roman Catholics Saved?

Even Bible-believing Christians tend to think the Roman Catholics are saved due to sincerity or to their good works. But what (or whom) do they really trust for their salvation?

Are We Losing the Next Generation?

When we are drawn to the things of this world we lose our focus as to why we are really here.

At the J&J Apartments, They Kill You...

We were able to hand out (with God's help) 40-50 tracts and no one turned us down. We were even able to lead a Muslim to Christ!

Attorney 'Got The Message'

This was the third time this attorney was given a tract telling him he was going to hell. But this time was different.

Attorney Sees Hostility to Christianity Growing in the Workplace

Religious discrimination in the workplace is one of the 'hottest' religious liberty issues coming into our CLA offices this year," writes Attorney David Gibbs, Jr.

Australian Church Greets Pope's Pilgrims With True Gospel

Pastor Kevin Harris of Illawarra Independent Baptist Church in Wollongong, Australia could not pass up the opportunity when the pope came to Sydney.

Barna Study Finds Most Church Members Ignorant of Christian Basics

A 2001 study by the Barna Research Group reveals that only 41 percent of the adults in the nation's 12 largest denominations could be classified as "born again."

Be Ye Kind

David Daniels gives us an example of how being kind when answering people's questions about Christianity or the Bible is always best, even if they are not Believers.

Biblical Mandate for Street Preaching

The Lord commanded his prophets to publically evangelize. America's current conditions reflect the conditions under which his prophets preached. - From online book 'Street Preachers' Manual' by Gerald Sutek.

Billions of Years?

Can billions of years do what is otherwise impossible?

Blind Soul Winner Rescued by the Constitution

Gail Blair, a blind woman, was issued a trespass warning and forbidden to evangelize at a local park after a complaint was filed with the local police. A Christian law association helped her fight back to uphold her religious freedom.

Book by Cahill a Must for Serious Soulwinners

Cahill's first book, One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven, was written to instruct and inspire the believer. His new book is written to the unbeliever.

Bookstore Owner's Vision Stirs Whole Community

How one man made a difference for Christ in his town. An easy example we can all follow.

Brave Teen Gave His Friends a Chance

The story discusses the inevitability of death and judgment before God, emphasizing the importance of salvation through Jesus Christ. It recounts a personal testimony from Mark, who accepted salvation in high school after a conversation with a peer. His subsequent evangelism using Chick tracts led to the conversion of many others.

Britain Moving Toward Outlawing Hate Speech

Criminal acts of revenge against local Muslims have prompted the British government to debate a toughening of their hate crime laws.

Burmese Missionary: 'Can't Keep [Tracts] in Supply'

Chick Mission Fund report.

Bus Ministries Love Chick Tracts

Churches that have developed bus ministries have found Chick tracts useful in several ways.

But it has Jesus in it!

No one can resists little Havilah when she offers a Chick tract. How our family found a ministry with Chick tracts.

But Was It a Waste of Time?

Do you ever wonder if your witnessing is having ANY effect?

Can a Christian Be a Mason?

Masonic leader Albert Mackey summed it up saying, 'The religion of Masonry is not Christianity.'

'Can You Get Us Some More?'

Missionaries world-wide find that Chick tracts make a huge difference in their ministries. They want more!

Catholic Hispanics Finding 'Something Better' in the Gospel

Nearly 20 percent of Hispanics nationwide have converted to evangelical Christianity in the last 10 years.

Catholic Sex Scandals Provide Big Soul Winning Opening

The recent pedophile scandal in the Roman Catholic church is bringing to the surface a deeper and more longstanding, widespread corruption.

Census Shows Explosive Growth of Sin

Soul winners, we have work to do.

Chaplain: 'No End to a Tract Ministry'

"I'm not tired and I'm not weary, just praising the Lord for the tract and prison ministry He gave me over 26 years ago," writes Dann Slator, better known as Chaplain Dann.

Cheerleader Cheers Cheer Camp with Chick Tracts

The story highlights Brian, a long-time Chick customer, who has creatively shared gospel tracts throughout his life—as a college cheerleader, an insurance agent, and later as a pastor. His efforts have impacted many, including a man whose life changed after reading a Chick tract.

Chicago Soul Winning Team Defending Their Freedom

Two students from Wheaton College in Chicago have filed a motion asking a judge to protect their rights to share their faith in a public park.

Chick Mail Bag

Mom said "no" but the kids wanted tracts -- Muslims saved through tracts

Chick Mail Bag - July 2000

I did not know I was into an occultic organization (Mormonism) until I read your tract .

Chick Mail Bag - March 2001

I was drinking 6 quarts a day and smoking pot. This tract turned me around.

Chick Mail Bag - May 2001

Tracts left on board ship finally got to me.

Chick Mail Bag - November

Testimony from a former Catholic

Chick Mail Bag - Sep-2006

He got saved after a New York limo driver gave him "The Long Trip"

Chick Mail Bag - September 2001

He left a tract with his name on the back in a restaurant in New Mexico, then got a letter from a boy in Alabama saying he got saved. Chick tracts get around.

Chick Mail Bag - September 2007

Family of believers finally sees Catholic Dad come to Christ.

Chick Mail Bag (Testimonies)

Read two testimonies that were sent to us from Florida and Kentucky.

Chick Mail Bag Jan-2000

Led to Christ by my foster dad.

Chick Mail Bag Jan-2001

"The Next Step" helped me return to Christ and get free from pornography.

Chick Mail Bag Jan-2003

My four-year-old daughter is a very intelligent child, and God met her right where she needed it - in your tract "Somebody Loves Me."

Chick Mail Bag Jan-2004

She was into evil cults and Satan worship until she read "This Was Your Life."

Chick Mail Bag Jan-2006

Mary and the saints help him spread the gospel at Catholic hospitals (he puts tracts in the idols' hands).

Chick Mail Bag Jan-2008

"Bewitched" led me to Jesus, and now I'm a pastor.

Chick Mail Bag Jan-2009

When I left the Catholic Church my Mom would not speak to me. This website helped.

Chick Mail Bag January/February 2010

Feeding ministry and Chick tracts just go together.

Chick Mail Bag January/February 2011

Working in Middle East, workers are asking me for my tracts.

Chick Mail Bag January/February 2012

Other Christmas tracts did NOT have a complete gospel message. These do!

Chick Mail Bag January/February 2013

First she was mad, but then so thankful.

Chick Mail Bag January/February 2014

Criminal defense attorney gives Chick tracts to clients and prisoners.

Chick Mail Bag January/February 2015

He poured his booze down the sink.

Chick Mail Bag January/February 2016

Saved with Chick tract, now a pastor.

Chick Mail Bag July 2001

I learned more in one (Chick) comic book that from 7 years in religion class.

Chick Mail Bag July 2002

They got mad when they read "Alberto," then they got saved.

Chick Mail Bag July 2004

He ripped up this tract but died the next day. At least he had a chance!

Chick Mail Bag July/August 2010

Have sent tracts to all states and many countries. I get letters thanking me from those who get saved.

Chick Mail Bag July/August 2011

Indian reads "The Traitor" (for Hindus) and comes to Christ.

Chick Mail Bag July/August 2012

Found tract in trash, got saved.

Chick Mail Bag July/August 2013

Angry prisoner ended up in tears.

Chick Mail Bag July/August 2014

Catholic sister was determined to prove Alberto wrong. But when she studied it, she got saved.

Chick Mail Bag July/August 2015

They beg me for these.

Chick Mail Bag July-2003

"Next thing I knew, half the platoon was standing around my bed begging to read one."

Chick Mail Bag July-2005

My husband got the "All Tract Assortment" and I was saved 3 days later!

Chick Mail Bag July-2006

After reading these two tracts, my wife's mother left the Catholic church in 24 hours.

Chick Mail Bag July-2007

500 tracts in a flood shelter disappeared in 2 hours! Not one thrown away.

Chick Mail Bag July-2008

I ws laying under a truck working on it when a man gave me "The Sissy." I got saved!

Chick Mail Bag Mar-2000

Led to Christ by tract that was thrown on the ground. They NEVER stop working!

Chick Mail Bag March 2002

Airport shuttle bus driver read the tract and accepted Christ!

Chick Mail Bag March 2004

Got saved reading "Holy Joe." I didn't realize being a Christian could be so much fun because of these tracts.

Chick Mail Bag March/April 2010

If you are kind of shy, these are the solution.

Chick Mail Bag March/April 2011

Soon we had a whole counter full of truckers reading Chick tracts.

Chick Mail Bag March/April 2012

When I leave Chick tracts on benches outside the store, everyone is reading them when I come out.

Chick Mail Bag March/April 2013

Officer gives his "customers" something to watch in back of patrol car.

Chick Mail Bag March/April 2014

My kids look forward to the new ones.

Chick Mail Bag March/April 2015

Great ministry idea in public parks.

Chick Mail Bag March-2003

These tracts do get read. I've given out about a thousand since I was saved.

Chick Mail Bag March-2005

After my young son asked me to read this tract about 25 times in two weeks, he said "I'm in a mess because I'm a liar and I need to fix it." He got saved!

Chick Mail Bag March-2006

Your tracts are turning my 1st and 4th grader kids into soul-winners!

Chick Mail Bag March-2007

Three people read one tract.

Chick Mail Bag March-2008

Found "Hi There" in the trash and got saved. Then he turned away from the Mormon Church.

Chick Mail Bag March-2009

After watching "Light of the World" my young daughter wanted to accept Christ right then.

Chick Mail Bag May 2000

Chick tract helped me get saved. Now I'm a minister.

Chick Mail Bag May 2002

My buddy called, crying. He had just read the tract I gave him, and got saved.

Chick Mail Bag May 2003

Satan stole my joy in Christ and lief to me about the "Great Architect of the Universe." After reading "Good Ol' Boys" I see I have really blown it!

Chick Mail Bag May/June 2011

I was brought up as a Lutheran and was never told about hell. Thank you!

Chick Mail Bag May/June 2012

They found me following my trail of tracts.

Chick Mail Bag May/June 2013

My kids won't read the Bible, but they will read your tracts.

Chick Mail Bag May/June 2014

The guys in the story were so much like me.

Chick Mail Bag May/June 2015

He realized how simple salvation really is.

Chick Mail Bag May/June 2016

Retiree sees hundreds saved in prison.

Chick Mail Bag May-2004

The principle wouldn't let her pass out Chick tracts at school. That's when the other students REALLY wanted them!

Chick Mail Bag May-2005

After watching "Light of the World" her days of worshipping Mary are over.

Chick Mail Bag May-2006

Bank teller always asks "Do you have any Chick tracts?" She confessed, "We fight over them!"

Chick Mail Bag May-2007

Teenage girl got saved after reading all the tracts in Chick Assortment Pack.

Chick Mail Bag May-2008

When I read that Mohammed was not sent by God to be a prophet, I gave my life to Jesus!

Chick Mail Bag May-2009

"Tiny Shoes" made me cry.

Chick Mail Bag Nov-2000

Her priest told her to STAY AWAY but this tract helped us lead her to Christ.

Chick Mail Bag Nov-2001

He found "The Beast" lying on the sidewalk while walking to the liquor store. He sat right down and read it.

Chick Mail Bag Nov-2002

I found these tracts in the laundromat and got saved.

Chick Mail Bag Nov-2004

In the last two months two members of his platoon came to Christ after reading these tracts.

Chick Mail Bag Nov-2005

"Thank you so much for your book and the tracts. After knowing the truth I tore up my paintings of the Virgin Mary."

Chick Mail Bag Nov-2007

He would read the tracts then put them back so no one knew. But finally he got saved.

Chick Mail Bag Nov-2008

Quick . . . I need this for an unsaved mother in my neighborhood!

Chick Mail Bag Nov-2009

Thank you for this tract, and for supporting the King James Bible.

Chick Mail Bag November/December 2010

Comic books help grandfather get saved just before he died.

Chick Mail Bag November/December 2011

Teacher leaves Chick tracts on desk for students to "borrow." When one died, his Mom thanked me because her son found Christ.

Chick Mail Bag November/December 2012

He tore up tract, then later put the pieces together and got saved!

Chick Mail Bag November/December 2013

These tracts put the fear of God in me.

Chick Mail Bag November/December 2014

First they helped me, and now my daughter!

Chick Mail Bag November/December 2015

Mailman thanked me.

Chick Mail Bag November/December 2016

"Last Rites" led me out of Catholic Church.

Chick Mail Bag Sep-2000

A tract I left in a sandwich shop helped bring a suicidal worker to Christ.

Chick Mail Bag Sep-2002

Our whole Catholic family got saved because of your literature.

Chick Mail Bag Sep-2003

These people kept the tracts and re-read them until the pages were worn and torn.

Chick Mail Bag Sep-2004

My mental picture of judgment day is that pictured in "This Was Your Life." I never forgot that tract.

Chick Mail Bag Sep-2005

72-year-old planned to murder his daughter, until he read this Chick tract.

Chick Mail Bag Sep-2008

Catholic grandmother comes to Christ after her grandkids hid tracts all over her home for her to find.

Chick Mail Bag Sep-2009

Someone just left this tract laying around at a gas station, and he got saved!

Chick Mail Bag September/October 2010

I grew up reading these and they really helped me.

Chick Mail Bag September/October 2011

I love how you used the 10 commandments to show people what sin is.

Chick Mail Bag September/October 2013

"I love the cartoon touch without compromising God's Word"

Chick Mail Bag September/October 2014

Sidewalk ministry - 90% of time people take the tracts.

Chick Mail Bag September/October 2015

This tract "scared me to life". Love 'em!

Chick Mail Bag: Jan-2017

Thanks to the hitchhiker who gave me that tract!

Chick Mailbag

Customer writes, 'I have been handing Chick Tracts out for many years now and I have used your ideas throughout many situations and what great responses.'

Chick Mailbag

He stopped using Chick tracts years ago, and just rediscovered them. He just saw four young people come to Christ!


Missionary Jonathan C. Sparks tells of the fantastic results he has seen using Chick tracts in the Philippines. Many are coming to Christ!

Chick Mailbag: May 2019

A former Catholic tells us he was 'bent out of shape' after receiving a Chick tract.

Chick Mission Fund Commits 2 Million Tracts for Six Countries

Missionary Tom Sloan and his team will be distributing 2 million tracts in Mexico, Peru and 4 South American countries. Funds for 1 million tracts have already been received! Would you be able to help us finish this project?

Chick Missions Fund Helps Send 240,000 Tracts to Zimbabwe

Not satisfied with just reaching their communities, many Chick customers are sacrificing to reach out to the world.

Chick Movie Ministering in Carpathia

The Ukrainian version is being used by a missionary organization, Euro Team Outreach (ETO), focusing on isolated villages in the Carpathian mountains.

Chick Movie Works at Home, Too

Besides working on the mission field, the Light of the World movie keeps generating testimonies at home.

Chick Publications Launches New Series of Children's Tracts

What is the next generation going to be like? Christian Researcher George Barna says look at today's children.

Chick Tract + Kindness = Happier Street Girl

One lady tells how she used a Chick tract to help a troubled girl who was in her kitchen.

Chick Tract Worked-700 Miles Later

Late one evening Pastor and Veteran Missionary David Seeley and four other men climbed aboard a motor home in Medford, Oregon and began driving to a Christian conference near Los Angeles, California.

Chick Tracts a Core Tool In Church Planting

Missionary Jerry Alford tells how he plants churches in Venezuela using Chick tracts.

'Chick Tracts are an Absolute Must!' Say Missionaries

"Chick tracts are an absolute must, on an hour-by-hour basis, to reach the bustling masses of Chinese souls we encounter..."

Chick Tracts Changed My Life -- Twice

I couldn't forget that picture from "This Was Your Life." I knew what I needed to do.

Chick tracts get read in Mongolia!

Missionary Tommy Tillman using Chick tracts in Mongolia.

Chick Tracts Help Missionaries Reach Students in Southern CHILE!

Missionaries to Chile, Kyle and Annie Sheridan share how Chick tracts are helping their ministry reach lost souls in Patagonia, which is the name of the southern end of South America.

Chick Tracts Help Missions in Korea and the Philippines


Chick tracts help people learn English

How missionaries use Chick tracts to extend their reach.

Chick Tracts in Foreign Languages Very Popular with Missionaries

Update on 2009 missionary projects with Chick tracts.

Chick Tracts You Provided Are Now Being Distributed in the Philippines


Chick Tracts: How To Save

Not everyone is familiar with how to save when ordering tracts. Here are some ideas to help you get the most amount of gospel to give out with the funds you have available.

Chick's Nigerian Distributor Jailed for 5 Weeks Over Chick Tract

A fax from the Chick Publication distributor in Nigeria spotlights the blessing we have in America in the freedom to present the gospel.

Christian Legal Society Excluded from University Campus

Christian groups are being banned from universities, as the culture continues to push to silence Christians and their message.

Christian Pollster Charts Confusion Over Evangelism

Are we doing all we can to reach the lost with the "good news"? Who's responsibility is it, anyway?

Christian Students: Know Your Rights

The Christian Law Association reports that they are getting increasingly frequent calls from students in government schools who are being disciplined for sharing their faith with fellow students.

Christian T-Shirts Work Where Tracts Restricted

Soul winners who have been restricted in passing out tracts on private property such as shopping malls are turning to "T-Shirt Evangelism."

'Christianity Changes People's Hearts' Says Avowed Atheist

"In Africa, Christianity changes people's hearts." To believers, this is not a surprising statement, but coming from an avowed atheist, it is a rare admission.

Christians Becoming Public Enemy #1 -Worldwide

Secular news media begin admitting that Christians suffer greater persecution across the world than any other religious group. What can be done about it?

Church at the Crossroads of the World

Pastor Brian Kelly began several years ago with a simple table of Chick Tracts set up in a subway of New York City. There he learned that people do read Chick Tracts. Kelly says that New York City is a pressure place and most people passing by appear stressed. But he likes to watch when someone opens a Chick tract for the first time.

Church Finds Advantages to Using Tracts to Reach Community

Some churches have developed creative ways to use Chick tracts both to get public exposure for their church and sow the gospel into homes in their community.

Church Leaders Worried Over Drop in Baptisms

A Southern Baptist study finds that Christians are often abandoning witnessing. What`s even more interesting is the reasons why.

Church Members Adopt-a-Street to get Gospel in Every Home

Church members in Fairbanks, Alaska, "adopt" local streets to spread literature and invite every family to church.

Church Uses Chick Tracts to "Get the Word Out" to 7 Counties

Like most local churches, Calvary Baptist Church of St. Paul, Virginia puts most of its efforts into reaching its own community.

Cleo Finds a Partner

One of our customers shares how the therapy dog she is training has opened the door to witnessing with the Chick tract 'Cleo.'

Code of Conduct on Conversions Threatens Soul Winning

Frustrated by the loss of members, particularly in Latin America, the Vatican has launched a subtle attack on soul winners.

Community Saturation Plan Continues to Expand

Dale and Sue Detro will teach you how to totally saturate your town with the Gospel, like they are doing.

Conflict With Islam Seen As a 'Clash of Cultures'

Many people see the present situation in the Middle East as a local squabble.

Converted Imam Wins Hundreds to Christ in Sudan Prison

A Sudanese Muslim imam who converted to Christianity five years ago has revealed that he was imprisoned by a Khartoum court for six months during 1991 on apostasy charges.

Court Declares Door-to-Door Witnessing Protected

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled 8-1 that local governments cannot require a permit to do door-to-door witnessing or political campaigning.

Court Finds in Favor of Students Who Spoke Up Against Sin

A recent court finding has come out on the side of two Christian students who spoke against homosexuality in accordance with their beliefs.

Court Upholds Student's Tract Passing Rights

Nicholas Wright, a senior at Niceville High School, was suspended for 5 days for distributing religious tracts at school.

COVID-19 Doesn’t Stop This Soul Winner

Tim Berends keeps finding ways to pass out 300 tracts a day. And people’s reactions to them just keep him going on and on.

Creation or Evolution? Evidence from Design

If anyone can see it's clearly designed, how can there be no designer?

Creative Christians Share Christ on Halloween

Look at the fun these Christians had on Halloween night. How about you?

Danger of Hate Speech Laws Becoming Apparent

Pastor Eke Green has been cleared of charges of hate crime by the Swedish Supreme Court.

Dept. of Education Clarifies Free Speech Rights of Students

Education Secretary Rod Paige has recently issued new guidance documents detailing religious freedom in the public schools.

Disillusioned Muslim Youth Turning to Christianity

Muslims are precious souls that Jesus died for —and they need to know about it. If we don't tell them, who will?

Does Chick Literature work on Catholics?

After she gave her Catholic mother the ‘Alberto Series’ from Chick, her mother was ‘all too ready to get saved.’ They still work!

Does the Great Commission Apply to Me?

Are pastors the only ones obligated to obey the Great Commission?

Does Your Church Know Tracts Work?

Did you get saved by reading a Chick Tract? Thousands of people have written to Chick Publications over the years saying that they did.

Don't Forget Tracts This Season

What store clerk can refuse a tract when presented with the statement: "Here is your Christmas card from me."

'Dump Girl' Receives Milk and Chick Tract

David Slone is a youth pastor who has a ministry to kids who live on the streets and in the city dumps of Brazil.

Eavesdropping Can Bring Witnessing Opportunities

One day, while landscaping at a local car wash business, I overheard three men talking about their heart bypasses...

Encouraging Growth of Global Christianity

Pollsters claim Christianity is dying. But a closer look at the facts may tell a different story.

Ethics of Street Preaching

Here is the right way and the wrong way to conduct yourself when street preaching. From "Street Preacher's Manual" by Gerald Sutek.

Europe is in Convulsions

Here is how Western civilization has gotten itself into such a mess, and how to change it.

Europe May Be Ready for the True Gospel

Much of Europe considers Christianity irrelevant to their lives. Churches face a choice: evangelize or be outlawed.

Evangelicals, Pope, Modernists Make New Evangelism Rules

How can you claim unity when you don't even share the same faith?

Evangelism Is Bigger Than You Think

If we are to fully obey the Great Commission, it’s important that we're not focused solely on ‘relationship evangelism’. Saturating communities with sound gospel literature was often what stirred up a desire for previous revivals.

Evangelist Remembers High School Tract 'Coupon'

"One of the greatest tools in my spiritual arsenal is Chick tracts," writes Evangelist Richard Lee.

Event Evangelism Reaches Many People in a Short Time

If we plant the seed, God will give the increase!

Event Evangelism: Take the Gospel Where the Crowds Are

At local ball games or world class events like the Rose Parade, Mardi Gras, and Olympic events, hundreds of thousands of Chick "paper missionaries" go into the hands of the spectators, athletes, or performers.

Evolution's Big Lie Looking More Absurd

When Neil Armstrong guided the lunar lander down toward the surface of the moon in 1970 he had many concerns.

Ex-JW Sued for Watchtower Quotes

An enterprising ex-Jehovah's Witness has been sued by the Watchtower Society for "a loss of reputation and goodwill."

Ex-Muslim Authors Detail Witnessing Strategies

The authors point out that the soul winner must first win a hearing: "To witness to the 1.2 billion Muslims on the earth, the Western Christian has many cultural hurdles and potholes to maneuver."

Facts About Tracts

Little-known facts may surprise you about how God has used tracts in history.

Few Believe that Jesus is the Only Way

57 percent of "evangelical" church members believe that many religions can lead to heaven.

First Muslim Congressman Sworn in on Qur'an

Democrat Keith Ellison from Minnesota is first muslim congressman sworn in on Qur'an.

Fledgling Church Uses Literature to Spark Growth

Some missionaries go to mission fields in remote areas; others are called to the cities, like Montreal, Canada.

Foreign Language Tracts: A Whole New Joy!

Immigration has brought the mission field to us. A prison chaplain writes, 'I can't believe how much joy I get out of these foreign tracts.'

'FREE - TAKE ONE ' Tract Racks Saturate Community with Gospel

Five years ago, Pastor Jerry Campbell of Abundant Life Baptist Church decided to see what he could do to seed more gospel into his community in rural Indiana.

Freedom is Never Free

The threat to much of the world's missionary work.

Freedom OF Religion -or Freedom FROM Religion?

Basic freedoms under attack.

Freedom of Speech - or Hateful Blasphemy?

One man's hate speech is another man's mere comment... until it becomes illegal to offend someone.

From Biker to "Grim Reaper"

Inspired by the Chick tract, HI THERE, Hammers recreated the Grim Reaper costume from the cover and wears it while street witnessing.

From Hideous Temples to Jungle Villages: Tracts Work for Thailand Missionaries

Follow Pat and Windy Caspary through the jungles of Thailand.

From the desk of Jack Chick

Halloween is a wonderful witnessing opportunity. Find out how to take advantage of it by reading this letter from Jack Chick.

From the Front Lines

With millions of paper missionaries in dozens of languages shipped each month, testimonies come back to Chick Publications from all over the world.

Fulfilling Christ's Command

Have we failed to keep Christ’s command if we fail to convert those in false religions? Or have we instead faithfully kept the Great Commission when we present the Gospel. It’s not about percent conversions . . . it’s about faithfully preaching the message.

Get the Word of God Out While You Can!

While he was lying in bed after heart surgery, he was talking to himself out loud, "Why am I still alive?"

Getting Older? Pass It On

Let's not forget that there is a new generation of Christians coming right up behind us who want to change the world just like we wanted to. They just need some help and guidance.

Getting Ready to Leave?

Some soul winners have been blessed with more than they need and want their surplus to continue winning souls, even after they are called home.

Give It to Them Anyway

When you go handing out Chick tracts, don't try to figure out whether they're saved or unsaved or backslidden. Give them the tract anyway.

'Global Transformation' Threatens Soul Winning

Biblical world watchers such as Dave Hunt and Beit Kjos are sounding the alarm on the recent global turmoil.

Global Warming: But Not as They Say

Satan's goal is to limit the spread of the Gospel.

Globalist Lab Cases Becoming Apparent

Governments move to get tighter control, and further limit religious freedom.

Go Where the Lost Are!

A few words from Gerald Sutek, author of "I Am Not Ashamed: Public Ministry Then and Now."

God Called Me to Witness at a (Gulp) Strip Joint!

You never know where God will ask you to witness!

God Sees The Seed We Plant

You never know where your Chick tracts may end up. Sometimes the results are surprising!

God Turns Church Massacre into Explosion of the Gospel

There is another side to the story of the massacre at Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, one which the media has overlooked and would not be all that interested in.

God's plan of Salvation

This is the most important message you'll EVER read.

'Good Test' Video An Effective Mission Tool

Here's a testimony from Missionaries Bob and Mari Pecoraro in Finland.

Gospel Tract Club Adds New Dimension to Bus Ministry

Many churches use some form of bus ministry to reach into the homes of their communities.

Gospel Tracts: A Long and Famous History

Read what several champions of the gospel in the past 300+ years said about gospel tracts. There's one common theme: tracts are a vital part of effective evangelism!

'Graduation Gift Helped Change My Life'

Soul winners are very creative in finding uses for gospel tracts.

Growing Desire for God in America

Are you ready to throw up your hands over the state of America? Do you feel like everything is on a downward slide that can’t be stopped? Well, you’re certainly not alone. The newest generation of adults is inclined to agree with you.

Gunslinger Tract Perfect for Old Town Ministry

This retired Christian uses a "gunslinger" costume and Chick tract to share Jesus in an old western town.

Halloween Is Not Satan's Only Holiday

The other one celebrates the revolution when man decided he doesn’t need God.

Halloween Success Stories

Read testimonies from Christians who are rejoicing over the opportunity that Halloween provided this and every year.

Halloween: A Great Time To Teach Soul Winning

We need to introduce the next generation to the joys of soul winning —and Halloween provides the perfect opportunity.

Halloween: Soul Winners Making Creative Use of 'Devil's Holiday'

More even than Christmas or Easter, Halloween is being turned into a major national witnessing opportunity by creative soul winners.

Hate Hotline Another Threat to Free Speech

The Boulder Colorado City Council recently allocated $16,000 for a trial run of a "hate hotline" where citizens can report incidents of "hatred" not punishable as a crime.

Have You Ever Told a Lie? New Video Helps People See How Un-Good They Are

Video producer Jim Tetlow believes that sometimes you have to get some people lost before you can get them saved.

Help Your Church Spread the Gospel: Use Tracts to Support Your Church's Ministry

Would you like to encourage the people you go to church with to share the gospel?

Hindu Militants Offer $250 to Kill a Pastor

Hindu militants in the Orissa state of India have mounted a campaign to eliminate as many Christians as possible from their state.

History of Halloween

The history of Halloween shows why you cannot separate it from the ancient Druids. Footnotes provided for those wishing to study further.

'Holy Roller' Makes Ministry Easy

A converted trailer became the center of his community outreach.

Homosexual 'Marriage' Spreading

This week, Spain's parliament voted to join the Netherlands, Belgium, and Canada in making "gay" marriage legal.

Homosexual Militants Eying Our Basic Freedoms

Homosexual activists move one step closer to their ultimate goal.

Homosexuals and Lesbians Mount Assault on Chick's UK Distributor

Members of a local gay rights organization promoted their message that all men should love one another by smashing a door, damaging a sign and mounting a picket line at the Chick Publications distributor's business in Scotland.

How Can Priests Avoid Causing Scandal?

While severely condemning sexual relations between people who are not married to each other, God explains that sexual contact between married people is not sin.

How Did We Get Here?

Two sinister forces have been working for years to crush the true church. These new DVDs show who they are, and how they are doing it.

How Not to Waste a Phone Call

God gives us opportunities. Who knows what victories the Lord may have in store for you?

How NOT to Witness to a Muslim

The only true way to witness with the Qur`an is to show its contradictions!

How One Tract Brightened a Family’s Dark Day

Greg Watford has a very effective ministry on the streets of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. His story was featured in the January/February 2023 issue of BATTLE CRY. He saw many lounging at the city bus stops killing time before their next ride. Looking for a way to get the gospel in front of more people, he approached them with a handful of tracts, and found them very receptive.

How One Tract Made the Difference

Joshua didn’t know it at first, but God heard his prayers for his grandmother and used a Chick tract to bring her to salvation.

How to Deal with Sin: Christian-Muslim Contrast

The Muslim and Christian difference of approach to sin sets the two religions far apart.

How To Make a Ferrari?

Can random events produce a finely engineered mechanism? Evolutionists think so!

How We Reached Our In-Laws for Christ

Our in-laws were coming! We placed tracts and comics all around the house, and one night they accepted Christ.

'I Hate'em; But I Can't Stop Reading'

"Do Chick tracts work?" At one time or another, every tract passer has asked this question, maybe only to himself.

I Knew I Had No Excuse

How I got started really witnessing for Jesus. It all started with giving out tracts, and I found myself growing from there.

I Learned What To Do About Halloween

Boy is in church because of tract in his Halloween bag.

I Wanted Them To Have The Same Joy

Chad Bernik tells how Chick tracts helped shape his life.

I’m Forever Grateful for that Little Tract

Singer and musician, Kathleen Carnali, tells how the Chick tract, 'This Was Your Life' that she received as a teenager in Massachusetts was instrumental in her salvation.

Ideas from all over

True short stories from Christians doing unusual things to share the Gospel.

If 'Evangelism' is Dying, What Shall We DO?

Evangelism is dying in the U.S. What have missionaries discovered that could help us here?

If We Plant the Seed, God Will Give The Increase

Some claim that Gospel tracts are a waste of time. These people, who found a tract while near to suicide, beg to differ!

Immigration: Soul Winner's Opportunity

With the mission field coming to our doorsteps, now is the perfect opportunity to spread the gospel... in any language!

Increase In Bible Interest Means Better Witnessing

A recent poll finds Americans more 'favorable' to the Bible. Now is the time reach them with Gospel tracts."

Is Friendship Evangelism Enough?

'Friendship evangelism' has been encouraged for a couple decades. As a result, higher percentages are not hearing the gospel. Why?

Is it Legal to Witness in Malls?

Attorney David Gibbs, Jr., writing in the newsletter for the Christian Law Association, offers some great insight into this issue.

Is there a Death-bed Window into Eternity?

There have always been stories of death-bed agony or ecstasy in the last moments of life. After reading one of our tracts, a soul-winner sent us this true story of what she witnessed.

Is There a Foreign Mission Field Near You?

One soul winner in Australia uses Chick foreign language tracts in a unique way.

Is This Hate?

Telling the truth is not hate.

Islam: Mathematical Righteousness

Every Muslim fears the scales of justice, which weigh his good deeds against his bad deeds," writes Ergun and Emir Caner, in their book, Unveiling Islam.

Islamic Holy War Against More Than Just Israel

Yes, the world has changed! Suddenly, America joins the host of countries where war is on their own soil.

Islamization of Europe Far Advanced

Are they the next rulers of France?

It Pays to Advertise

Successful companies have learned that the most effective form of advertising is the personal testimony about the product...What's the correlation?

It Worked! David Got the Gospel!

At the age of 6, Chad Bernick got saved and wanted to share Jesus with his best friend, David. He tells the story about how he did it —at public school!

Jack Chick's Christmas Message

The neighbor girl asked, "Who's the kid?" She knew nothing about Jesus.

January 2019 Message from David W. Daniels

People are questioning the world around them. But we have to ask them the most important question of all, 'Is your name in the book of life?'

Jesus' Own Claim to be the Son of God Brings Muslim to Christ

These simple, straightforward Scriptures convinced a very good Muslim friend of mine. He is now a Christian, and going to heaven.

Judge Rules In Favor of Christian Students

A federal judge has placed a preliminary injunction against a North Carolina public school district stating that they cannot prohibit biblical literature distribution by the students.

Judges Increasingly Hostile to Soul Winning

Navy chaplain faces possible discharge and fines for quoting the bible and praying in Jesus' name during a sermon at a funeral.

Last of Children to See Fatima Virgin Dies at 97

Lucia de Jesus dos Santo, last of the three children who claimed to see the Virgin Mary apparition at Fatima, Portugal in 1917, has died at the age of 97 in a convent in Portugal where she lived most of her life as a nun.

Latin American Missionary Effort Exploding

For several decades we have watched as millions left the counterfeit Roman Catholic church in Latin America to join the growing Bible-believing churches. Now they are maturing and beginning to take the Great Commission seriously.

Lawsuit Opens Prison System to Bible Literature

The California prison system has agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by a prison ministry that had been stopped from sending Bible study materials to inmates who requested them.

Legislature Caves In on Parental Rights

The Georgia Legislature recently attempted to pass a bill giving parents the option to object when their child was about to join a homosexual club at school.

Let’s Not Waste This Opportunity

With recent wins for free speech and parental rights, there’s a renewed sense of hope nationwide. These victories, though significant, are not the end of the battle—they mark the beginning of a crucial new chapter. Now is the time for Christians to rise up and make a lasting impact to reshape our nation and protect these precious freedoms.

Let's Face It - We're Outnumbered

We must use some mass-outreach method of reaching people for Christ. There are too many to speak to speak to them all.

Let's Take the Gospel Where the Crowds Are

Snapshots from the Summer Olympics in Sidney, Australia show how Chick tracts grab the attention of both young and old.

Letter From David W. Daniels March 2025

Our world has gone crazy, and we are living in the aftermath of that craziness. On the one hand, growing children—I repeat, children—are being told by grown-ups that their problems come from being the wrong gender, or their “true gender” was born into the wrong body. Then, to add to this science-fiction horror show, these “professionals” advise the parents that if they don’t want their child to kill themselves, they should “transition” into the opposite gender!

'Light of the World' Video a True Soul Winner

One pastor who works with prison chaplains wrote: "It is riveting and powerful in its no-punches-pulled approach to the full gospel story..."

Like Eating an Elephant!

Outreach Missionary Bill Eubanks reports from Zimbabwe... Chick tracts are helping the local pastors reach thousands of students with the gospel.

Little Tract Resonates With 'Big Navy Guy'

When we wonder if leaving a tract somewhere really does any good, Pastor Jack Hilliard of Grace Baptist Church in Fallbrook, California is a living answer.

Local 'Can Man' a Giant in the Lord

Every day he had a route of about 6 miles where he walked to collect recyclables. You didn`t meet Charley for very long without realizing that money from the sale of the cans was not for himself.

Look What a Kid Started

One teen, whose email name was "SharkAttack," sent us this testimony...

Market Manager Supplies Both Kinds of Food

Just one man with a heart for God, doing his bit to meet his neighbor's need for food for both soul and body.

Mary Tesmer Is An Excited Lady

What began as a ride-along quickly turned into a full-time ministry.

Mechanics of Street Preaching

Preparing for street preaching. Steps to take to insure that your experience is successful. Includes tips about praying, placement, projection, music, and more. - From online book 'Street Preachers' Manual' by Gerald Sutek.

Medical Doctor Pleads for Revival

Integrity, dignity and community . . . that’s what America had before it’s people turned away from God. And returning to God is the only way to get it back.

Mel Gibson's Passion a Flop as a Soul Winner

So skillfully was it promoted in the weeks leading up to its screening in theaters that even evangelical pastors were buying blocks of theater tickets and recommending it wholeheartedly.

Merchant Display Ministry Tops 50,000 Tracts

Fifty Thousand tracts later, Dale Detro is still excited about his mission to Putnam County, Indiana.

Message From Jack Chick - Nov-2010

Greed shows up pretty quickly in some situations. Here is a tract that speaks to it.

Message From Jack Chick January/February 2010

Europeans and the pope want to lock us into a one-world government. Our only hope is the Gospel.

Message From Jack Chick January/February 2011

Thanks to the word "tolerance," everyone is scared to death to offend a "gay."

Message From Jack Chick January/February 2012

Why are the enemies of Christ winning in the U.S.?

Message From Jack Chick January/February 2013

Don't let politics worry you. We already have the Good News.

Message From Jack Chick January/February 2016

Some times a young person's witness is just what an old unbeliever needs. As long as they're breathing, it's never too late!

Message From Jack Chick July/August 2010

People are frightened, but we have the answer!

Message From Jack Chick July/August 2011

Why are disgusting speech and violence filling America? Because we have stopped widely circulating Gospel literature! There is still hope.

Message From Jack Chick July/August 2014

Everyone is going to get a summons to appear before the highest court in the universe. We've got to warn them to be ready!

Message From Jack Chick July/August 2016

We wrote "Kitty in the Window" because there is a suicide in the U.S. every 12 minutes. People need hope.

Message From Jack Chick March/April 2010

Everyone is scared and looking for help, especially teens. There IS something we can do.

Message From Jack Chick March/April 2016

Politics can't help us. Sports can't help us. Religion can't help us. Only Jesus can!

Message From Jack Chick May/June 2011

Seminaries may hate us, but Bible believers all over the world love us for refusing to change that simple, old Gospel message. No compromise!

Message From Jack Chick May/June 2012

When I realized Satan was just trying to distract me, I laughed.

Message From Jack Chick May/June 2013

The Great Tribulation will bring a nightmare of electronic surveillance that will give no place to hide.

Message From Jack Chick May/June 2016

Soul-winning is OUR responsibility, not our church's.

Message From Jack Chick November/December 2011

Introducing black-character Chick tracts.

Message From Jack Chick November/December 2012

They went into what should have been hostile territory, but people loved the tracts.

Message From Jack Chick November/December 2014

As believers, our work is never done. Everybody needs Jesus!

Message From Jack Chick September/October 2010

The signs of the end are all around us. Where did the Protestants go?

Message From Jack Chick September/October 2011

People laugh at hell, but it is a horror that faces every man and woman who is unsaved.

Message From Jack Chick September/October 2012

I look at children today and want to weep. What chance do they have?

Message From Jack Chick September/October 2013

Are you fearful about how things are going? Remember, the world is the devil's. But we have the solution.

Message From Jack Chick September/October 2014

Look what happens when we put a little tract rack in a restaurant.

Message From Jack Chick September/October 2015

Is "friendship evangelism" producing a crowd of converts? No. But gospel tracts are.

Mexico is on fire with the gospel!

With your help, we will add fuel to the evangelistic efforts of local churches who are begging for material because evangelism has taken off and people are excited to share the gospel.

Military Chaplains Pressured Not to 'Proselytize'

The military is not immune to the forces that would remove religion from public life.

Millions of Souls on Our Doorstep; How Can We Reach Them?

Now, with such a massive flood of people entering the USA, the burden of how to handle the situation is almost overwhelming. Many compassionate Christians have stepped up to provide basic necessities, but let's not neglect their spiritual needs as well.

Miracle in Papua New Guinea

A young man in Papua New Guinea shares his testimony with missionary Eric Fair.

Mission Fund Report: January 2022

Over 35 million Chick tracts sent to missionaries in over 60 countries! Read the latest report from the mission field.

Mission Fund Report: January 2024

Your mission giving keeps growing, and missionaries keep asking for more Chick tracts! Read here how your giving is being used, and what’s happening!

Mission Fund Report: November 2021

Readers’ gifts to the Chick Mission Fund are spreading Chick tracts (with the Gospel) on a global basis. See reports on Papua New Guinea, Guyana, Philippines, Burma, Ukraine, India and Zambia.

Mission Fund Report: September 2021

Tremendous support has come in for the Papua New Guinea project! Read an update on our progress and see how your donations are reaching lost souls worldwide.

Mission Fund Update: January 2023

In spite of the general increase of prices worldwide, Christians continue to support the Chick Mission Fund and Chick tracts are going worldwide! Read the latest news from the mission field.

Mission Fund Update: July 2022

Read updates from around the world and see how your generous donations are helping provide Chick tracts to missionaries so they can reach lost souls worldwide

Mission Fund Update: July 2023

Many Chick customers give to the Mission Fund to provide Chick tracts to missionaries. Read the latest news, see photos and watch ministry videos from this in-depth report from the mission field!

Mission Fund Update: March 2023

Thanks to your help, 1.3 million tracts have been sent to the Philippines and over 2 million are committed to 8 other countries. Read about what the Lord is doing in these countries.

Mission Fund Update: May 2023

Your generous giving makes it possible for us to help missionaries reach lost souls worldwide using tracts. Here is the latest report from 11 countries we have recently sent tracts to.

Mission Fund Update: November 2022

Reports from Ireland, Greenland, United Kingdom, Philippines, Mexico and Israel show what Chick supporters are doing through the Mission Fund.

Mission Fund Update: November 2023

Your generous giving makes it possible for us to help missionaries reach lost souls worldwide using tracts. Here is the latest report from 11 countries we have recently sent tracts to.

Mission Fund Update: September 2022

With your help, Chick tracts are helping missionaries reach lost souls. Read about some exciting news from India as a family accepts Christ.

Mission Fund Update: September 2023

Chick tracts that you have helped provide continue to amplify the effectiveness of missionaries worldwide. Read the latest report and see pictures.

Mission Reports From Around the World - March 2024

Since inception, the Mission Fund has sent over 50 million Chick tracts to missions worldwide. And the requests continue to come in.

Missionaries Never 'Retire' -They Just Find Another Field

Here's how you can do what Marlin Baker did. After 27 years as a missionary, he was not ready to hang it up. With a heart for hurting people, he found plenty of them at the local jails.

Missionaries Say, 'Pass the Ammo!'

It's not possible for most of us to go to the mission field but there is a way we can multiply the success of those who do go.

Missionaries using tracts supplied by Amazing Gospel Tract Fellowship

Caspary has spent 17 years in Southeast Asia establishing churches and teaching local pastors how to evangelize.

Missionary Finds Africa 'Wide Open' to the Gospel

"Africa is wide open," says missionary Bill Eubanks. "They will take all the tracts you can give them and they respond and get saved."

Missionary Finds Swahili Tract Very Effective in Africa

Missionary Jim Honeycutt reports that the Swahili version of the tract One Way! is very effective in communicating the simplicity of the gospel during crusades in Africa.

Missionary Reports 14,000 Responses a Year to Tract Blitz

When Martin arrived in Mexico in 1961, he prayed for God to show him what tool would be most effective.

Missionary Says Tracts are a Game Changer

Missionaries are finding Chick gospel tracts to be essential tools for saturating communities with the gospel, often leading to starting of new churches.

Missionary Sowing Gospel of Peace in Hurting City

A missionary shares his exciting stories from Juarez, Mexico.

Missionary Uses Tracts and Tent Meetings in Ukranian Villages

Taking a page out of America's past, Missionary Ken West is having great success with "Evangelistic Tent Meetings" in the small, remote villages of the Ukraine.

Missions Fund Report - January 2019

Your gifts to the Mission Fund last year made it possible to provide more than 3,000,000 Chick tracts to over 75 missionaries and their teams.

Missions Fund Report - July 2024

Thanks to the many of you who support Chick tracts for missionaries through the Chick Missions Fund. Because you faithfully give, when missionaries call asking for Chick tracts we are able to say “Yes!” and move quickly to ship what they need.

Missions Fund Report - May 2022

Report on the latest shipments of Chick tracts to missionaries. They are requesting them from all over the world!

Missions Fund Report March 2025

Here is a sampling of the activities of the Missions Fund since the last Battle Cry. If you are on our email list, you may have already seen some of these in the weekly reports (the email list sees it first! – You can join it here:

Missions Fund Report September 2024

Through your giving, over 6 million Chick tracts have been shipped overseas for missions so far this year! And there is more to come. Thank you for making it possible to say “Yes” when missionaries ask for Chick tracts to help their outreaches and church planting.

Missions Fund Report: January 2021

COVID-19 lockdowns and fear of disease have made missionary work more difficult, but missionaries refuse to quit! And tracts help make the difference.

Missions Fund Report: July 2019

Your donations are helping missionaries all over the world reach lost souls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here's an update from missionaries in 7 different countries.

Missions Fund Report: July 2020

In this July 2020 report, you will see how your donations are helping provide free tracts to missionaries worldwide and are helping point lost souls to Christ.

Missions Fund Report: July 2021

Covid or no covid, these missionaries just refuse to quit! See where your giving is going to bring the Gospel in Chick tracts to the world.

Missions Fund Report: March 2021

As pandemic restrictions diminish in many parts of the world, missions is exploding.

Missions Fund Report: May 2019

Your gifts to the Mission Fund are helping supply tracts to missionaries around the world. As one missionary wrote us, he is praying for '...more funds to buy more tracts.'

Missions Fund Report: May 2020

You have supported evangelism in one of the most spiritually open countries in the world, the Philippines, through your giving to the Chick Mission Fund. It's about to start again.

Missions Fund Report: May 2021

The Pandemic has not stopped missionaries from obeying the Great Commission. The Chick tracts you provide them are making a huge difference.

Missions Fund Report: November 2020

The COVID lockdown has made things hard on missionaries worldwide, but they are still finding ways to continue the work. See new photos from 3 countries!

Missions Fund Report: September 2020

In our September 2020 update, you'll see some new photos from tract distribution in the Philippines. We also provide updates for new projects in other countries.

Mobs Are Okay, Christians Arrested Instead

Bold Christians are being denied their free speech rights by lawless mobs. Police officers are forcing some street preachers to leave immediately before a situation with protestors gets out of control.

Modern Native ‘Tribesman’ Confirms Prophecy

For generations, Bible students have wondered how the people from all nations would be able to see the dead prophets on the streets of Jerusalem described by John in Revelation 11:9. We just might have our answer.

Modern Studies show God's Family Plan is Best

The new studies show that children in traditional families have fewer problems.

More Churches Started With Chick Tracts

Reports from missionaries who use tracts, provided by the Chick Mission Fund, come back from all over the world.

More Great Witnessing Ideas

An extensive list of ways to witness with Chick tracts. Use your imagination!

More Proof that Allah and Jehovah Are Not the Same

Islamic literature teaches that Jews and Christians will be substituted for Muslims in hell. This is not the God of the Bible.

Mormon Church Helps Pass the Olympic Torch

Mormon leaders claim that they made no effort to influence the decision to bring the Winter Olympics to Salt Lake City.

Mormonism Trying to Look More Christian

Since Joseph Smith founded Mormonism, many changes have been made to make it look more Christian.

Muslim Countries Becoming Bolder in Persecuting Christians

Islam's hostility to Christians is beginning to get some attention from the media.

Muslim Heaven Reads Like a Playboy's Dream

Immediately after the terrorist attack in September, it became common knowledge that religion was their primary motivation.

Muslims Using Hate Laws to Stamp Out Religous Freedom in Canada

Mark Harding, the founder of The Christian Standard, a Christian publication in Canada alerting believers to attacks on the Christian faith, has spent two days in jail for criticizing Islam.

My Life of Gangs and Drugs is Over

"Back From The Dead" ended my life of gangs and drugs.

My Teacher Got Saved - Became A Pastor

"Who put this tract there!" Next week he got saved and thanked us.

Myanmar Church Energized by Gospel Tracts

This report from Myanmar proves that gospel tracts can energize evangelism in churches regardless of geography.

New Definition of Science?

"Evolution is science, so the schools must teach it. Creationism and Intelligent Design (ID) are religion, so they must not be taught!"

New Gospel Video Already a Soul Winner

The new 80-minute gospel video, The Light of the World, is now available on VHS and DVD format.

New Law a Possible Threat to Soul Winning

Could the Bible be declared an instrument of persecution?

New Law May Forbid Soul Winning in Russia

A new restriction on religious activity, supposedly to curtail terrorism, has Russian Bible believers deeply concerned. It remains to be seen how far America will follow.

New Ministry Will Help You Get Tracts To Missionaries

Doctor heads new ministry to supply missionaries with Chick tracts.

New Missions Project for Mexico! 1.5 Million Tracts Requested by Missionary Joe Hendrigsman


New Pope Pushing for Mother of the World

The new pope continues the tradition of pushing the RC Virgin Mary goddess as the unifying force in the world.

New Ruling Opens Prisons to More Gospel Literature

Soul winners who work in prisons should be aware of a new U.S. Supreme Court ruling that will allow inmates more gospel literature.

New Soul-Winning Film Nearly Ready

Jack Chick is nearing completion on a massive project that has consumed much of his life for the last several years.

New York Pastor Takes Gospel to the Streets

In New York City, Pastor Brian Kelly has a very large mission field. Several years ago, he stood at an intersection and watched the people streaming past and prayed for a way to reach them with the gospel. He knew that street preaching would catch the attention of a few thousand. But the seed planted in their hearts would soon die in the jostle of the big city.

No Letter From Hell

Chick customers are highly innovative when it comes to witnessing. Here is one example...

No Sowing - No Harvest

Sowing was essential to any kind of harvest. So it is with gospel tracts: no sowing, no reaping. In the parable, much of the seed went to waste, but it still was ...

No Sowing: No Harvest

In every crowd there are likely a few who are open to the gospel. Only by sowing gospel seed (tracts) can we hope to find them.

No-Compromise Gospel Film Now in More Languages

Now in More Languages Some of those including Romanian, Lao, Afrikaans, Hmong, and Hindi.

Now Available: A Friendly New Tool to Reach Catholics

Over and over, Heinze brings his Catholic reader face to face with Bible truth, and the salvation by faith that they have been taught is too simple to be true.

ONE BILLION Chick Tracts

A miracle happened sometime during 2021: we sold our billionth tract!

One Conversation Leads to Gospel Partnership

When you hear “missions” what comes to your mind? Traveling to distant lands? Leaving family and friends for years on end? What if we told you that you don’t have to go very far at all to make a significant impact?

One Heartbeat Away Anwers. People demand answers.

As Christians, when we witness to people, they so often throw lots of questions at us, and they want answers. Now.

One Man Tells How He Met the Mission Field Coming to Us… with Chick Tracts!


One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven

Mark Cahill sees only two kinds of people on earth: those who are saved and those who are lost.

Only 13 Percent of Next Generation are Bible Believers

Will Americans lose religious freedom because many trusted more in politics than in preaching? A shocking recent survey shows it is time for a different approach.

Orthodox Church Persuades Russia to Outlaw Bible Believing Churches

When the Iron Curtain was dismantled in the early 1990s and missionaries were welcomed into the crumbling Soviet Union, many observers feared that the window of opportunity would be short lived.

Over 55,000 Christians Martyred Each Year

Believers in India, Indonesia and Pakistan are at the greatest risk.

Parable of the Fishless Fishermen

Why are the fish always gone?

Pastor Develops Witnessing Strategy for Muslims

Pastor Brian Kelly, who pastors in New York and operates the 42nd Street Soul Saving Station in the 42nd Street subway station, witnesses to many Muslims who pass his literature stand.

Pastor Threatened with Arrest for Passing Tracts in Park

After reviewing the CLA materials, the city decided that Pastor Stevenson was free to share his faith.

People Actually Thank Me When I Witness To Them!

It's all in how you do it. Chick tracts make witnessing easy, and people love to read them.

Persecution Against Christians Rising Worldwide

Is the last haven for religious liberty in jeopardy?

Persecution Rising in U.K. and Headed Our Way

Even the U.S. government helps in persecuting Christians.

PG Rating for Christianity?

A movie rating of PG has been attached to an upcoming movie, apparently solely because it has a "pro-God theme."

Philippine Prisons Open to Chick Tracts

May 2013 report on the Chick Mission Fund.

Philippine Public Schools Wide Open to the Gospel

Missionaries are finding that passing out Chick tracts is like passing out candy. Through giving to the Chick Mission Fund, many Christians are making a difference!

Pollster Finds Only 7 Percent of U.S. Adults are Bible Believers.

The recent legalization of homosexual sin appears to be only the tip of the iceberg.

Poor Mother Teresa - Good Works But No Faith

As early as 1953 she wrote, "... there is such terrible darkness within me, as if everything was dead."

Pope Targets Soul Winners in Recent Trip to the West

"Rome when in minority is as gentle as a lamb, when in equality is as clever as a fox, and when in the majority is as fierce as a tiger."

Pope Worried - Losing Millions of Members

Catholic leaders in Latin America and Africa are becoming increasingly concerned with the loss of their members to the exploding evangelical churches.

Pope Worries About Growth of 'Bible Christians'

Pope John Paul II's most recent encyclical letter again stresses a fundamental difference between Roman Catholicism and Biblical Christianity.

Pressure Building on SBC Leaders Who Signed "No Soulwinning" Pact with Rome

Widespread pressure from Southern Baptist members persuaded two SBC leaders to remove their names from the Evangelicals and Catholics Together document, but stated that their attitude toward the subject remained the same.

Pressure Increasing Against Freedom to Preach the Gospel

Those who obey the Great Commission to go and preach, are meeting increasing resistance. Here are several examples from England.

Prison Fund Report - May 2021

The warden wanted to know why the inmates had stopped fighting, and were sitting reading. What happened?

Prison Letters July/August 2010

The guys grabbed them up. I was stunned by the tremendous response!

Prison Letters March/April 2010

I began reading them and could not put them down.

Prison Letters September/October 2010

I am called to speak the Word and I would like to use your comics to reach those that refuse to hear or read the Bible.

Prison Ministry Letters

When I got busted, God changed everything!

Prison Ministry Letters

All we had was two Chick tracts.

Prison Ministry Letters Jan-2000

I gave a guard a tract, and he said, "Your coming to detention has changed my life."

Prison Ministry Letters January/February 2010

The inmates are showing up at the chaplains office just to see if we have more Chick tracts.

Prison Ministry Letters March/April 2008

This little comic book gave me hope.

Prison Ministry Letters May/June 2000

Suicide prevented.

Prison Ministry Letters: Jan-2002

16-year-old has been locked up over a year. He got saved in prison.

Prison Ministry Letters: Jan-2003

Prisoner shares his tract. . . saves a life.

Prison Ministry Letters: Jan-2005

He was a gangster all his life. But now he met Jesus.

Prison Ministry Letters: Jan-2006

The prisoners send the tracts to their children and discuss with their families.

Prison Ministry Letters: Jan-2007

Guaards would confiscate them so they could read them.

Prison Ministry Letters: Jan-2008

They "go like hotcakes" and 180 have accepted the Lord.

Prison Ministry Letters: July-2000

First day out of prison I went drinking. Then I found your tract.

Prison Ministry Letters: July-2001

Led 300 to Christ in prison last year.

Prison Ministry Letters: July-2002

They kept me glued to the Bible for years.

Prison Ministry Letters: July-2003

Arrested for burglary, I knew all ABOUT Jesus, but I never KNEW Him!

Prison Ministry Letters: July-2005

I've been converted to the Real God (not Allah).

Prison Ministry Letters: July-2006

Catholic guard ended up reading the whole thing.

Prison Ministry Letters: July-2008

I started by sending a little at a time to prisoners.

Prison Ministry Letters: March 2001

When visiting my son in jail, I give these to others to read while they are waiting their turn.

Prison Ministry Letters: March 2002

Comic set changed me from a "Ruff" gangbanger from Chicago to a man of Christ

Prison Ministry Letters: March-2000

He was filled with despair, but these tracts led him to Jesus.

Prison Ministry Letters: March-2003

Inmate saved and reconciled to his separated wife.

Prison Ministry Letters: March-2005

A Chick tract is read until it is completely worn out, while others are thrown away.

Prison Ministry Letters: March-2006

Over 75 inmates saved!

Prison Ministry Letters: March-2007

So many inmates got saved the Catholic Diocese got upset!

Prison Ministry Letters: May-2001

Thanks to Chick Publications, the truth is starting to sink in.

Prison Ministry Letters: May-2002

The second day he was on his knees.

Prison Ministry Letters: May-2003

Great for men who won't read anything else.

Prison Ministry Letters: May-2005

This helped us break free of the Roman Catholic church here.

Prison Ministry Letters: May-2006

"Light of the World" had an effect on each inmate.

Prison Ministry Letters: May-2007

The tracts went from cell to cell. 75 men were saved.

Prison Ministry Letters: May-2009

"Preacher, you got any of those little books?"

Prison Ministry Letters: Nov-1998

I have guys lining at my door.

Prison Ministry Letters: Nov-1999

Your material really helped me through my time in prison.

Prison Ministry Letters: Nov-2000

The chaplain called asking for more tracts, because the ladies were reading.

Prison Ministry Letters: Nov-2001

Large number of Muslims and Catholics in our compound. They read these over and over!

Prison Ministry Letters: Nov-2002

He got saved reading "The Prophet"

Prison Ministry Letters: Nov-2005

Priests came in to convert us, but you gave us ammunition to fight with!

Prison Ministry Letters: Nov-2007

Showed "Light of the World" in the prison yard. One man burst out in tears.

Prison Ministry Letters: Sep-2000

We led over 300 souls to Jesus with your tracts last year in that prison.

Prison Ministry Letters: Sep-2001

"How could my whole life be a lie?"

Prison Ministry Letters: Sep-2002

Muslim inmate saved.

Prison Ministry Letters: Sep-2003

Preacher in ministry today because someone left a tract in a prison.

Prison Ministry Letters: Sep-2004

Satan owns the gangs here, but I have won 29 to the Lord.

Prison Ministry Letters: Sep-2005

I'm locked up with AIDS, but now I have hope in Jesus.

Prison Ministry Letters: Sep-2006

I'm being released soon, but I'm going back in to preach the Gospel!

Prison Ministry Letters: Sep-2007

Inmates were chasing us down asking for more!

Prison Ministry Letters: Sep-2008

I love reading the Bible now!

Prisoner Discovered That Somebody Really Does Love Him

From Mission Possible: 'Our mother abandoned us, but through this little tract I learned that Jesus loves even a prisoner like me. Thank you for that tract!'

Prisoners Love Chick Tracts

Another customer finds a new ministry in local prison. You can too!

Prisons: ‘A Mission Field Next Door’

Read the salvation testimony of a man on the run from the Lord who one day was given a Chick tract. Now, he is saved and serves as a Chaplain in Texas.

Protestants Gaining Millions in Africa and Latin America - Vatican Worried

Bishops at a recent synod in the Vatican were lamenting the inroads of Protestantism in Latin America and Africa.

Public Preaching Coming Under Increasing Resistance

Evangelist Hans Schmidt was at his customary street-preaching post when a gunshot from somewhere in the crowded intersection sent a bullet into his temple, tearing into his brain.

Public Schools Becoming More Hostile to Christians

More evidence is surfacing that the public school classrooms are increasingly hostile to traditional American values.

R.A. Torrey Admits He Was Wrong About Gospel Tracts

Famous author and Christian educator, R. A. Torrey, admits that he did not, at first, see the value of Gospel tracts.

Reaching Lost Souls on Top of the World

Missionary Chris Shull and his family have been serving the Lord in Greenland since 2007. See what the Lord is doing in this remote land and how Chick tracts are helping reach lost souls on top of the world.

Read Hebrew-English "Creator Or Liar"

The Bible in a nutshell. How the world began, how sin entered the world, and why we must trust Jesus.

Read Hebrew-English "The Royal Affair"

When King David repented of his sin with Bathsheba, God forgave him. Repent, and God will forgive you, too!

Read Hebrew-English "This Was Your Life"

Everything you have said or done will be played back at judgment. Will your name be in the Book of Life?

Researcher Finds ‘Catastrophic Decline’ in Christians’ Worldview

When Christian researcher George Barna discovered that only 6% of the American population had a truly Biblical worldview, it was disturbing enough. Now he has gone one step further and evaluated the worldview of America’s Christians. See what he found out!

Results of Street Preaching

Salvation proclaimed, souls are saved, and soldiers strengthened as a result of street preaching. - From online book 'Street Preachers' Manual' by Gerald Sutek.

Satan Has Lots of Ideas for America's Spiritual Vacuum

America's slide away from a Bible-based culture has left a vacuum for many of Satan's counterfeits to fill. Spiritism, and other forms of pagan superstition are growing as a result.

Satanists Pressure Schools for Equal Opportunity

Satanic coloring books distributed in Delta Country, Colorado schools in equal opportunity response to Gideon Bible distribution.

Saturate Your Town

This article was contributed by Maria D. who shares what happened after having a dream about how to use tracts to reach her town.

Save 30% On Individual Copies of Full-size Comic Books

There are 24 comic titles available. Order any number of titles and quantities to receive a 30% discount. Offer ends 1/20/2023.

'Seasoned' Soul Winners: We've Got to Pass It On

As this generation of soul winners moves on, it is critical that the next generation is inspired (and trained) in witnessing.

Seed Planted in the Philippines Now Ready for Harvest

Pastors are describing how they were fielding calls for more information from people who have gotten Chick tracts. Many are led to the Lord on the spot and others have already prayed the prayer of faith.

Shadow of Persecution Advancing Toward U.S. Christians

High profile news of persecution of Christians in Muslim countries may be masking a more subtle threat to the spread of the gospel in the free world.

Short Term Missions Trip? Don't Forget Tracts

In the last 50 years, short term missions trips have grown from a few each year to over 1 million Americans traveling abroad every year.

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Halloween may be the “Devil’s day” but it is a great opportunity for Christians to teach something important to their children, as well as those who come to the door.

Should We Still Give Out Tracts?

Some leaders claim passing out tracts is a waste of time. But they are forgetting something.

Sidewalk Rights

Read how this tract user politely but firmly refused to back down, until the police legal team admitted he had every right to pass tracts on the sidewalk in front of the school.

Sikh Mission Field —Down My Street

"I got to be a missionary for a day when 25,000 Sikhs held a parade in my town."

Sin is the Root of Poverty and Global Economic Turmoil

The recent global economic crisis is prompting financial leaders to take another look at the role of sin in world economics.

Sixty-Seven Million Foreign Speakers in the US Need the Gospel in Their Language

The United States Census Bureau recently reported that there are approximately 67.8 million people in the US that speak a language other than English at home. This works out to about one person in five who prefers a language different than English. Although America has always been a melting pot, the number of people moving here from foreign countries dropped steadily during the 20th century to somewhat less than 5%. However, that began to change around 1970, building back up to the present heavy mix of foreign speakers.

So Many Ways --So LIttle Time

Here are just some of the many different scenarios available for the soul-winner who wants to include Chick tracts in his witnessing.

Sociologist Develops Gospel Saturation Plan

His little "experiment" proves that the distribution of no-nonsense gospel tracts can change a community.

Sodomites Targeting Next Generation

On April 10th, students in nearly 1800 high schools and colleges gave up talking for the day in protest over "intolerance" toward sodomite classmates.

Some Victories for Religious Freedom

The last two years have not been good for the constitutional right of religious freedom. But maybe the tide is turning.

Soul Winners Excited About New Gospel Video-Because It Works!

Thousands of copies of "The Light Of The World" video have gone out since it was introduced in October.

Soul Winners Get Creative on Halloween

Soul winners are gearing up again this year to take advantage of the great witnessing opportunity, courtesy of Lucifer on his night to howl.

Soul Winners Not Welcome in World Religions Organizations

Satan's forces are working on several fronts to unify all the world's false religions and push Bible believers out of the game.

Soul Winners Reach Thousands at Street Parties

Each year, cultures with dominant Roman Catholic influence celebrate a huge bash just before the fast of Lent.

Soul Winner's Rights in the Workplace

The Christian Law Association is often asked, "How far can I go in witnessing at work?"

Soul Winners Spook Satan on Halloween

As we come up on "Satan's holiday" (Halloween), mankind is increasingly gravitating to the occult.

Soul Winners Use Their Imagination on Halloween

Last year several families sent exciting reports to Chick Publications about their experiences using Chick tracts at Halloween.

Soul Winners, We Must Pass It On

Pollster George Barna gives poll results showing why the coming generation of Christians is less likely to witness.

Soul Winners: Double Your Fun This Halloween

Great ideas you can use to witness to the kids coming to your door at Halloween.

Soul Winning Video Going Into More Languages

Soul-Winning Video in More New Languages

The Chick Publications soul winning video, Light of the World, continues expanding into more languages.

Soul-Winning Video Now in 18 Languages

Some of those include Tamil, Ukrainian, Afrikaans, Russian, and Romanian.

Southern Baptists Under Pressure to Stop Soul Winning

A series of booklets issued by the Southern Baptist Convention has drawn unprecedented reaction from the liberal media, mainline religious leaders and members of congress.

Street Ministry 'Dream Team' Shakes Unbelievers Awake

While others curse the darkness, Chick Publications customers Jack and Sandy find creative ways to spread hope.

Street Team Jailed Under Hate Speech Law

Hate speech laws are gaining momentum but a test case is in court in Philadelphia.

Supreme Court Establishes Strong Precedent for Soul Winners

The U.S. Supreme Court has now made clear that students have the right to share their faith on college campuses even if someone objects to what they are saying. This was a major free speech victory.

Survey: "Christians Are Not Spreading the Gospel"

Pollster George Barna finds in a recent survey that, 'only two out of every five Christ followers (39%) believe that they should share the importance of reliance upon Christ with others.

Survey: Next Generation Short on Ethics

A study by a California ethics organization paints a worrisome picture of the next generation.

Survey: Only 1 Percent of Young Adults Have Biblical World View

A recent survey finds that the youngest adults in America are increasingly confused about biblical truth.

Swahili ONE WAY! Tract Boosts Youth Outreach in Tanzania

The following story is an excerpt from an email from Bob and Esther Jeffers, missionaries to Tanzania.

Table of Contents - Street Preachers' Manual

From "Street Preachers' Manual" - copyright 1989 by Gerald Sutek.

Tagalog? No Problem!

Have foreign immigrants come to your city? Here's a way to be ready for them!

Tamil Light of the World Broadcast in India

Originally produced in English and Spanish, it helps people to truly understand the gospel in over 20 languages. Have you shown it at your church?

Teacher Reaches Deaf Students with Light of the World Video

Deaf people are often confused about the Gospel. This teacher found a way to make it clear to them.

Testimonies Show Tracts Work!

Many people describe how a Chick tract led to their salvation.

Testimony from author and evangelist, Mark Cahill

Mark is a compelling and highly sought-after speaker worldwide. He shares with us a story of one of his trips to Japan, and how 'planting seeds' of the Gospel changed a man's life.

The "Failure" That Wasn't

This story from a tract user confirms one thing... Chick Tracts DO get read!

The Accursed City

Charles Spurgeon's warning about Roman Catholicism has been forgotten by many. It's time to read it again.

The Best Retirement 'Investment'

This couple found a way to make their "Golden Years" productive for eternity.

The Gift Presented to Law Makers in Brazil

As a missionary to Brazil, Daniel Callis' vision to distribute 10,000 Portuguese The Gift throughout Brazil has expanded beyond what he had expected.

The Greatest Miracle of this Generation

"The greatest miracle of our generation is literacy," writes veteran missionary Milton Martin.

The Hit In The Prison

The following letter was received by the Mission Possible ministry to prisoners...

The New Face of Evangelism

Some are beginning to question ‘relationship evangelism.’ Could it be that it’s time to return to using tracts?

The Ones I Let Get Away

My failure as a Christian witness. Don't repeat my mistake!

The Power of One Tract

Jose Cruz stands in the pulpit today proclaiming the power of the gospel, but his path to there was a crooked one.

The Power of the Printed Page

It is impossible to reach the world with the gospel without literature being part of the plan. Here's why.

The Vital Work of Tract Passing

The two things that get in the way of witnessing with tracts, and what we need to get around them.

They Just Need Jesus

When the guidelines of Biblical morals and punishment are abandoned in our societies, all we're left with is lawlessness.

They Really Annoyed Me. But I Read Them!

If you ever wonder whether leaving those tracts around is doing any good, consider this story sent to Chick Publications by Bill H. from Washington state.

This Christmas, Remind Everyone that 'Jesus is the Reason for the Season'

This year, 2 billion Christmas cards will be sent from 100 million households in the United States alone.

This Foreign Missionary Works in Downtown Toronto

Jim lives in Toronto, Canada and has made a specialty of distributing foreign language tracts.

This Jesus Was Different

The following is a testimony sent to the author of Who is this Allah by a young man in Nigeria...

This Was Your Life Tract in Child's Halloween Candy Changed My Life

"The first time I saw one of your tracts was in my child's Halloween candy sack. This Was Your Life, I can honestly say, changed my life. It was a step that led to salvation. Praise God!"

Thousands of Tracts Taken From Merchant Displays

Dale Detro is excited about a new tract ministry his church has started...

Thousands Reached with the Gospel at Halloween Parade

For everyone who doesn’t want to give out tracts to trick or treaters because you don’t want anything to do with Halloween, this testimony is for you.

Tim and Mike Found a Way to ‘Go…Into All the World’

Tim Berends and Mike Cahill have leveraged some airline privileges into a worldwide tract ministry.

Tips From the Street

Tract veteran shares creative ideas for giving out Chick tracts. It`s fun!

Today The World is Full of ‘Drifters’

The dictionary says that a drifter is someone who wanders or moves about aimlessly, without a specific purpose or direction. This accurately describes a lot of people who have left the church.

Tract Disturbed Him Enough to Go Buy a Bible

When Paul Karmin set out hitchhiking to see the world in the spring of 1977, he had no idea he would find heaven, instead.

Tract Fellowship Expanding to Include Gospel Video

Contributors from 40 states have enabled them to help missionaries in over 40 countries.

Tract Fellowship Sending More Tracts to Missionaries

The Amazing Grace Tract Fellowship continues to expand its tracts-for-missionaries program.

Tract Ministry Becomes More Than a 'Rack in the Lobby'

Many churches, if they have tracts at all, will only have a rack or table where people can help themselves.

Tract Ministry in Canada Sets New Standard for Innovation

One of the most innovative tract ministries that Chick Publications has heard about is The Fishermen's Club headed up by Jim Neale in Toronto, Canada.

Tract Passing in 'Sin City'

Tim Berends is a Christian radio host and dedicated "tract passer." He is currently focusing his tract ministry on the streets of Las Vegas, Nevada, "SinCity" as he calls it.

Tract Passing Tips

Witnessing ideas from our customers

Tract Passing Tips

Witnessing ideas from our customers.

Tract Passing Tips

Witnessing ideas from our customers.

Tract Passing Tips

Tract Passing Tips

More ways to use gospel tracts.

Tract Passing Tips

Tract Passing Tips


Tract Passing Tips - Jan-2006

More ways to use tracts - gas pumps, waitresses, spam responses

Tract Passing Tips - Jan-2008

jury duty, repair estimates

Tract Passing Tips - January 2000

Coffee cans, bookstore shevles, party bags

Tract Passing Tips - January 2001

Address books, beach sand, contest prizes

Tract Passing Tips - January 2003

Hospitals, parades, Awana, open houses

Tract Passing Tips - January 2004

Picketers, Easter "deliveries", pizza orders, airport employees

Tract Passing Tips - January 2005

Windshield wipers, bag lunches, luncheons, drive-thrus, and more!

Tract Passing Tips - July 2000

Store craft sections, car door handles, with letters

Tract Passing Tips - July 2001

Foreign exchange students, public libraries, trade shows

Tract Passing Tips - July 2003

Small shops and restaurants, real estate magazines, bulletin boards

Tract Passing Tips - July 2004

Airport benches, new cars, safe deposit box

Tract Passing Tips - July 2005

Travelers, vending machine, baseball game

Tract Passing Tips - July 2006

Fellow campers, college students

Tract Passing Tips - July 2007

Business cards, pockets in clothing stores, and more.

Tract Passing Tips - March 2001

Shopping, courtroom, airport bathroom stalls,

Tract Passing Tips - March 2002

Vacation, mass transit,

Tract Passing Tips - March 2003

Gifts for the poor, supermarket

Tract Passing Tips - March 2004

Street events, laundromat, recruiting stations, restrooms

Tract Passing Tips - March 2005

Hotels, gifts, sidewalks in front of schools

Tract Passing Tips - March 2006

Rollerblading, pizza delivery men

Tract Passing Tips - March 2008

Funeral, letters, pregnancy center, car dealership

Tract Passing Tips - May 2000

Piano students, casinos, Catholic churches

Tract Passing Tips - May 2001

Rest areas, picnic tables, toilet paper rolls

Tract Passing Tips - May 2004

Mail to psychics, trailer courts, commuter trains

Tract Passing Tips - May 2005

S.S classes, phone book names

Tract Passing Tips - May 2006

Bookstore occult sections, amusement parks, flea markets

Tract Passing Tips - May 2007

Tract witnessing ideas include tracts in student cars at high school.

Tract Passing Tips - November 1999

Open car windows, detention homes, office lobby, truck stop

Tract Passing Tips - November 2000

Carolling, military post, empty bottles

Tract Passing Tips - November 2004

Waiting rooms, Chinese restaurants, tutoring students

Tract Passing Tips - November 2005

Water bottles, visitors to home, Carnival, medical mission

Tract Passing Tips - November 2007

Teaching kids to read, gas station pump

Tract Passing Tips - November 2008

Box on front porch for children

Tract Passing Tips - November 2009

More tract witnessing ideas, including how to reach homeless people with a "gift".

Tract Passing Tips - September 2001

Doctor's offices, stores, bus passengers, airport seats

Tract Passing Tips - September 2003

Libraries, dressing rooms, waiting rooms

Tract Passing Tips - September 2004

Motorcycle rally, border crossing

Tract Passing Tips - September 2005

NASCAR events, telescope viewers

Tract Passing Tips - September 2008

Halloween tracts lead to witnessing at school

Tract Passing Tips January 2002

Public sidewalks, feeding ministry pantries, restrooms.

Tract Passing Tips- March 2000

Yard sales, pen pals, diaper changer tables, sales clerks

Tract Stands Reach Hundreds of Kids

A simple tract-passing idea.

Tract Tip: Heard at a Restaurant

Here's your chance to be a witness.

Tracts Help Missionaries from Jamaica to India

Tens of thousands of children hear the gospel because you gave to the Chick Mission Fund.

Tracts in 12 Languages Ready for World Cup Games

Amazing Grace Tract Fellowship continues to fund Chick literature projects and video translations around the world.

Tracts in Sunday Bulletin Focus Church on Witnessing

Soul winners write to Chick Publications with tract distribution ideas.

Tracts Inspire Young Man to Return to His Village With the Gospel

"I have never met a more superstitious, fear-dominated people," writes Bert Craft, missionary in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Tracts Make Halloween a Prime Witnessing Adventure

More than Christmas or Easter, Halloween is being turned into a major national witnessing opportunity by creative soul winners.

Tracts Plus Web Site Equals More Ways to Witness

Chick Publications has another dimension that some are discovering.

Truck Stops: a Mission Field Nearby

Hal Larson's ministry at truck stops has seen over 400 people come to salvation in Jesus Christ.

Trucking For Christ

There is a great need to reach the lost traveling up and down America's highways every day. See how one person has tapped into this mission field and what you can do to help.

T-Shirts Cause Big Problem at California School

Large-scale immigration, whether legal or illegal, offers soul-winners a huge opportunity. These people have come here... let's reach them for Christ!

U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Sodomy Laws

Homosexual rights activists are literally dancing in the streets (of San Francisco) celebrating the Supreme Court's ruling striking down the Texas law against sodomy.

UN Has a New Plan for World Peace

It's true, the planet is in a mess. But the pope's fix is rooted in human wisdom and political power, rather than hearts changed by the Spirit of God.

UN Homosexual Group Calls For 'Showdown With Religion'

Paula Ettelbrick, executive director of the San Francisco-based International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, vowed that the pope's "call to arms" against homosexual marriage would be successfully combated.

USPS Regulations on Tracts to Soldiers

The US Postal Service has issued a clarification of regulations for mail and parcels sent to military personnel stationed in Muslim countries.

Vacationers Get 3-Day 'Jail Ministry' While Witnessing to Indonesian Muslims

Most of us use our vacation to "get away from it all" and unwind.

Vatican and WCC Want to Cure Soul Winners' 'Obsession'

The Vatican and the World Council of Churches are planning a three-year project together to come up with a "common code for religious conversions."

Vatican Council Says Catholics and Muslims Worship the Same God

This gesture to Muslims was an attempt by an "Ecumenical Pope" to bring further unity of world religions.

Vatican Synod Says Bible Not The Only Word of God

When Bible believers discuss the "Word of God" they assume everyone agrees they are referring to the Bible.

Veteran Tract Passers: Mexico is Ripe for the Gospel

"Roman Catholics are really open to the truth about their religion," concluded Tim Berends and Mike Cahill after an outreach to Mexico City.

Video Going Into More Languages

Progress continues on more translations of the powerful soul winning video, Light of the World. Here are some of the current projects...

Vietcong Were Closing In. He Was Trapped . . .

The Vietcong were closing in. He was trapped and thought he was about to die. In desperation, he cried out to God. Then it happened...

Warning: Disney 'Magic' Toxic to Children

A culture that once supported parents in bringing up youngsters as decent citizens has been converted into a major glamorizer of sin.

'We Couldn't Pass Them Out Fast Enough'

Christians having fun using Halloween for Jesus.

We Need Tracts—Plus Wisdom

A story from a father demonstrates that we must not be completely content to just hand someone the gospel. We must also be prepared to follow up with a more complete discussion of our Biblical worldview.

What a Difference One Tract Can Make

Chick Publications receives a continuous stream of reports from missionaries and soul winners using Chick foreign language tracts in other countries.

What are the holidays good for?

Regardless of how you feel about the holidays, they just might be good for something.

What Happens When You Give Tracts

The reasons that Christians should not allow their children to participate in Halloween celebrations, trick-or-treating, etc.

What Is Hinduism?

As Hinduism grows in the West under the disguise of the New Age, we must understand it to deal with it. In this excerpt from "Prepare for War", by Dr. Rebecca Brown, we have an easily understood description of Hinduism.

What to Say When You're Handing Out Tracts.

Christians share stories and one-liners that show what they say to people to encourage them to accept a gospel tract. They make it easy!

What's Missing in Mel Gibson's 'Passion'? Tell Them the WHOLE Story!

One of the most controversial films to come out of Hollywood is Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ."

When They Come to Your Door: Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses

To learn how to approach these people, BATTLECRY interviewed Paul Blizard, a former Jehovah's Witness.

When Vicky Googled "Café Near Me"

Chick tracts help café owner share the gospel in India.

Who's the Real Hater?

It would be MUCH easier to keep silent. But that isn't showing love, is it?

Why Aren't These Churches Growing?

Is your church doing what it takes to grow?

Why Don't More People Witness?

Author Mark Cahill says that the "two biggest reasons that people do not share their faith is that they are scared to get rejected and they don't know how."

Why Many Missions to Muslims Fail

One is that they try to convert the Muslim by showing him that Christ is in the Koran.

Why You Should Never Give Up

If you don't see the people you witness to getting saved right away, don't give up on them. Keep them in prayer.

Will the Next Generation Share the Gospel?

Pollster George Barna finds "born again" young people are not likely to witness to their friends. Will this be the "last generation?"

Witness in Malls The 'Small Table' Strategy

When you are witnessing at a mall and security is getting insistent, you might be successful in suggesting using the table approach.

Witness in Parks : Don't Get Arrested: Just Learn the Rules

We have all heard the horror stories of people being harassed and even arrested for witnessing in public places and this tends to make us wary about sharing our faith.

Witnessing Book Continues to Inspire Soul Winners

Inspiring parents and kids to keep winning souls even when school's back in session!

Witnessing Ideas - At Home

Ideas to share Christ with friends and family in your home.

Witnessing Ideas While Shopping

Shopping presents so many easy witnessing opportunities. Here are some ideas.

Witnessing on Vacation is Fun!

You will meet many of these people only once! Don't let them down.

Witnessing Tips from a Veteran

Are you afraid to approach a stranger and hand them a tract? Soul winner Tim Berends has spent years developing techniques that get people to accept them.

World Cup Soccer Outreach Planned

Amazing Grace Tract Fellowship is gearing up to fund tracts for witnessing teams at the World Cup Soccer matches in Europe this summer.

World Missions Changing

A major shift is occurring in world missions. During the last century, the primary focus of missionary activity was from the West to the East and South. Now, increasingly, that focus is reversing.

Worldwide Drive for 'Tolerance' Does Not Include the Gospel

One of the impending dangers of the drive by homosexuals for acceptance and approval is showing up in the pressure on legislators to enact hate speech laws.

Would Muhammad Approve Blowing Up an Airliner?

Moderate Muslims claim "Islam is peaceful." Muslim radicals claims "Muhammad told us to kill you." Who is right?

Would You Trust Satan's Brother?

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:13)

YOU can be a good witness

Why cartoon Chick tracts can make it easy and fun to witness for Christ.

You can be a good witness with Chick tracts

Chick cartoon tracts make it easy and fun to witness for Christ.

You Can Win Catholics to Christ

The steady flow of converted Roman Catholics, leaving their old "church" to follow Jesus, shows that Catholics can be reached!

You Never Know What God Will Do With His Word

"Just keep giving out the Word," says Richard Zawadzki. "You never know what God will do with it!"

Your Rights When Street Witnessing

Where do you stand with the law when you take the gospel to the streets?

Your Rights When Street Witnessing

Where do you stand with the law when you take the gospel to the streets?