I recently was transferred from the detective to patrol section...so now my car has a cage and at times, I have a captive audience. I was thinking of an effective way to share the gospel appropriately in this new context. There is usually about thirty minutes of time while I am completing my reports and finishing paperwork where my "customer" is just sitting...usually complaining or just silent while awaiting a trip to the detention facility.
After searching for presentations of the gospel online, I remembered 2 of your tracts had been transformed into videos, and plan on playing these for the "customer" (I have a laptop mounted in the vehicle) so I can "redeem the time" because the days are evil, and that may be the only opportunity for someone to hear the gospel! I haven`t had any customers since I found your videos, but have them queued up and pray this can be an opportunity for officers around the world to give the gospel to a needy people and "set the captive free" spiritually even though physically captive as a consequence of their actions. Thank you for making it available and for your stedfastness to the Gospel and truth over all these years since I was a boy.
R.C. E-mail