Sikh Mission Field —Down My Street

I first started giving out Chick Publications tracts when I was 17 years old.I am 50 now. Just a week ago we had a Sikh religion parade in our neighborhood with approximately 25,000-30,000 Sikh's walking and watching the parade. When I was notified that the parade was coming down my residential street I was, at first, angry that thousands of people would cause a safety hazard and the fact that a false religion with a false god was being celebrated in my neighborhood.

I took my anger and frustration to prayer and asked our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to help me be a good ambassador for Him. My thoughts soon turned to, "Okay God, how can I reach out to these lost souls and let them know You are the only true God and show them that You died on the cross for them, also?" The next thought in my mind was, "I can reach out to these lost souls by giving them a tract in the Hindi language, telling them about the real God, Jesus Christ." I ordered the only tract that Chick Publications had in the Hindi language: This Was Your Life.

On the morning of the parade I was up and out the door at 6:30 am walking the route of the parade that did not start until 10. I and my German shepherd, Gabriel, had a great walk on that sunny Sunday morning. As we were walking the parade route, I was leaving all 50 of the tracts in locations where a person would see them and be tempted to pick up the little tract in their language. I taped the tracts to the bottom of street signs, stop signs, fire hydrants, retaining walls, fences and on posts at intersection crossings.

"Sometimes God does not send us out to the mission field, but instead brings the mission field to our homes."

I then prayed that the Holy Spirit would draw people to pick up the tracts and would work in their hearts, minds, and souls as they read the tracts.

Before Gabriel and I were home, I noticed an elderly Sikh couple out for an early morning walk. As the couple stopped at the intersection, the elderly woman saw the tract and picked it up. I watched from a distance as I saw her start to read the tract. Soon her husband was also reading the tract. They then continued on their walk taking the tract with them. As I watched, my heart was flooded with love and joy for this couple. I knew the Holy Spirit would be witnessing to their hearts that day.

When Gabriel and I got home, I decided that next year we would do the exact same thing, but with way more than just 50 tracts. So if you ask me, "Should we still give out tracts?" My answer is definitely YES! Sometimes God does not send us out to the mission field, but instead brings the mission field to our homes. If you win one soul for Jesus the effort is worth it.

I will not know the full results of my effort that Sunday morning until I am in Heaven with Jesus, but in the meantime I am going to be giving out more and more tracts and praying for God's miracles to work in people's lives who read them. Thank you for the tracts from Chick Publications and thank you to all those that work at Chick Publications for reaching out to the World with Jesus' Love.

God Bless All of You.

Dale C.