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51 Reasons Why The King James
Here are 51 reasons to trust that God kept His promise to preserve His own words.
Available as an eBook for $4.99.

As a Jesuit, Alberto helped destroy churches. But as he read the Scriptures, he saw that Catholicism couldn’t save.
Available as an eBook for $2.99.

Angel of Light
Satan, as an "angel of light," is turning men from God through idolatry, false religions, politics and secret societies.
Available as an eBook for $2.99.

Ark, The
The Crusaders learn about the history of Noah’s Ark and of recent sightings.
Available as an eBook for $2.99.

Big Betrayal, The
The true story of Charles Chiniquy, a former Roman Catholic priest.
Available as an eBook for $2.99.

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