Missions Fund Report - July 2024

Thanks to the many of you who support Chick tracts for missionaries through the Chick Missions Fund. Because you faithfully give, we are able to say “Yes!” and move quickly to ship Chick tracts when missionaries call.

Here are things going on right now:



Kids receive backpacks with school supplies, and Chick Tracts!

Missionary Gary Schwer of Hands Across the Border conducts an annual outreach to many towns in Mexico, with preaching, tract distribution and backpacks for children to take to school. The next one is coming up in December, and he has asked for 50,000 Chick tracts to accompany those backpacks for children. People all over the world have something in common . . . they love their children! When these backpacks with school supplies, toys and Chick tracts get passed out, their parents come along and hear the Gospel!

Chick tracts help draw a crowd to hear missionary Paul Buskager

Paul Buskager, of First Light Mission, describes the outreach in Nogales, Mexico with the 140,000 Chick tracts you provided. They saw many saved and made a real impact on that community. He is planning another big outreach in November in the city of San Luis Rio Colorado, and needs Chick tracts for that. At the time of this writing, we are still waiting for his title list so we can print them for him.


Fourteen big pallets of Chick tracts (1,500,000 of them!) are on the way south to Missionary Joe Hendrigsman in Oaxaca, Mexico. They are expected to reach him in July. Our thanks to the ministry of Seeds of Grace Transport in Lees Summit, MO for delivering this huge load of Gospel tracts at no cost to the Mission Fund.


Missionary Junior Haley received another shipment of Chick tracts. He gets a whole team on the streets, sometimes as many as 25, passing out Chick tracts. His church continues to grow by not staying inside.

Missionary Junior Haley’s tract passing team


Pastor Zakir Ibrahim, a former Muslim who was saved and mentored under the ministry of Missionary Noel Shrivnauth, is about to receive 150,000 Chick tracts. Shrivnauth, who serves near Ibrahim, commends his tract ministry as doing a tremendous job in giving out tracts. These men are determined to reach Guyana for Christ!


We have ordered another printing of the dual-language “This Was Your Life” for use in Israel. Sorry, we can’t give you more details on this determined missionary. The local ecclesiastical Jewish leaders want to stop him! These tracts are especially useful among Jews who come to Israel to live, but have not yet mastered Hebrew. They usually speak English (a world language) so an English/Hebrew tract helps them learn the language, and delivers the Gospel to them at the same time!

Dual-language “This Was Your Life” in Hebrew and English


Here we are cooperating with White Horse Heights Baptist Church, who have sent more than 20 containers of Gospel literature and relief supplies to the poor people in Ukraine, whose lives and homes are being destroyed by war. The next container will include 30,000 Chick tracts in Ukrainian and Russian for these desperate people.


The 100,000 Chick tracts for Missionaries Mike Dobbins and John Riggs, shipped months ago, finally arrived in Zambia. They were greatly delayed by the problems around the Suez Canal that forced many ships to instead go around the southern Cape of Africa.


Another 10,000 French tracts have reached Missionary James Herringson on Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean. They continue to do outreach with the tracts, and are seeing new visitors come to their church.


Pictures are flowing in from all over the Philippines as the 2.6 million Chick tracts in the recent container to that country are flooding the country. People are getting the Gospel.

Pastor Varon, in the Central Visayas of the Philippines, has obtained permission to speak to entire student bodies in schools. Every child in this huge crowd at just one of the schools has a Chick tract to take home to their families.

High schoolers in the Philippines reading Chick tracts

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There is always more going on.

Paul Buskager is planning another big outreach in Mexico, James Voltenberg needs more in Scotland, and we have requests for 1.3 million tracts to fill a container going to the Philippines. People are slipping into eternity every day, and we are so grateful to you who give to show them Jesus!

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