Prison Ministry Letters May/June 2000

Accidents happen...
It's such a thrill to look up and see a fellow inmate reading one of your tracts, especially when I didn't give it to him. I'm the only one here with Chick tracts, but they do get around here.

A while ago a guard came in to our cell and gave us a quick shake-down. I gave him one of your tracts. Three weeks later he told me he read it and "accidently" took it home. His girl friend, after visiting him, was packing to return home 400 miles away and "accidently" took the tract with her and read it.

A week later she was at a crisis in her life, with her son in jail, and tired of living, she put a .38 gun in her mouth to kill herself. She remembered the tract and couldn't do it. She told the guard, "The book works!" Praise God, "accidents" happen! After 4 1/2 years of being locked up, this is the first time the Lord ever used me to save some woman's life 400 miles away.
D., Lockhart, TX

A Bible answer for a Bible question...
I was blessed while in County Jail to read three of your comic books. They turned my life around! The county is trying to put a stop to Chick tracts and comic books due to the Catholic religion. They feel the books are offensive, but I find them truthful. They have a Bible answer for a Bible question.
E.B., San Diego, CA

Intense spiritual warfare...
I love your literature. A lot of your tracts and Crusader Series books really shook me down deep and made me aware of the intense spiritual warfare being fought for our souls.
J.B., Spruce Pines, NC

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