Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world, nothing is certain, except death and taxes.” And while we might get a break on taxes from time to time, nothing will stop death. We all share that ultimate fate, and eventually stand before God in judgment. What happens after death, however, depends on what we did during our lifetimes.
For those who accepted the free gift of salvation through the death of Jesus on the cross, we are received into life eternal with God in heaven. For those who do not accept this gift, the miserable reality of hell for all eternity awaits.
Many people today have no idea about the reality that awaits them, or how to get ready to face God. A few people might just get saved if they knew what to do. But if no one tells them, they don’t have a chance.
Everyone needs a chance. That’s what we give them when they get a Chick tract. They may believe, they may not. They may accept Jesus as their savior, they may decide to reject the truth. But they were given a chance. And when it comes time for them to stand before God, they won’t be able to say that they weren’t given a chance or told about the truth.
Since the founding of Chick Publications, we’ve received thousands of testimonies from people around the world who gave or received a Chick tract. Here’s a brief snapshot at how a simple tract can change a person’s life.
This story comes from Mark, a grateful receiver and giver of Chick tracts.
“In 1991, I was in 11th grade at JFK High School on the Island of Guam. School was over, and 3 of us started looking for this kid that ratted on a friend after he opened another kid’s backpack and threw the contents out the window.
We found him at the youth center, but instead of jumping on him, we all started talking. This kid, Lawrence, talked about God and the Bible, and asked us where we thought we would go if we died on the spot.
Lawrence quoted the Bible, explained that we were all sinners, and shared, through the Romans Road, that sinners don’t go to heaven. He then gave us an opportunity by offering to pray, asking if we would accept the gift of forgiveness that Jesus Christ paid for. Each of us said yes and, together, we prayed the sinner's prayer. God forgave me that day, saved me and started his work of sanctification in my life.
We were so joyful and hungry to know more about God, asked him what church he went to and eventually started attending. We told our family, school friends, and people we came across how Jesus saved us.
We found Chick tracts at local Christian bookstores and instead of the Marvel and DC comics we were so engrossed with, we picked up and read all the different Chick tracts we could find. We passed them back and forth to each other and gave them to our friends at school. We would leave a tract with anyone we witnessed to that didn’t get saved on the spot.
Through this seeding of Chick tracts, some of our friends got saved. Then they told their friends, and some of them got saved, too. God is awesome!
I'm an adult in my 50's now with a wife and two kids, buying some tracts for my kids to read and to share. They’re both saved, but I don’t believe they have read any Chick tracts yet. I can’t wait to see their reactions. I’m so glad you guys are still around. May the Lord bless you and continue to use your work to save souls.”
All because Mark was given a chance, he received salvation. Then, because he gave other people a chance, his friends and their friends also received salvation. That is the impact of offering just one person a chance.