Chick Mail Bag July-2003

My brother picked up some of your tracts and comic books at a Christian book store and gave them to my other brother and me. The Lord really used those tracts to convict me that I was a lost sinner and on my way to hell. Many of the artist's drawings firmly planted vivid images in my mind of what hell was like and I wanted, in the worst way, to avoid going there. I fled to the Lord Jesus Christ for fear that I might come under God's holy judgment.
R.S., Fargo, ND

I got your Chick tracts in the mail. I started reading them last night and some guys came up and asked what they were. I explained that they were Bible stories or I would just give them one and let them see for themselves. The next thing I knew, half the platoon was standing around my bed begging to read one. We get nothing to read, not religious material anyway, so they were starved to read something. Anyway, all of the tracts except for a couple I wanted to read are circulating through my platoon. It is so exciting to spread the Word of God. I can't wait till some of the people who got the tracts start coming to me with questions about the Lord.
R.M., Booneville, AR

I am very thankful to God that he has provided a means of reaching people with the gospel so effectively, as your tracts do get read. I think I may have given out about a thousand since I was saved by one a little over 3 years ago.

I'm writing to you about your tract called The Contract. I read this tract over 5 years ago and gave my life to Jesus. Yesterday I saw this same tract in a Christian bookstore and remembered that I had prayed the prayer in it back then. Thank you for your ministry.
D.P., East Hartford, CT

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