Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
We have a great opportunity.
We have an arrangement that will enable us to ship one million tracts to the Philippines. There are numerous pastors there who are chomping at the bit to get the word of God in tract-form all around their individual areas.
And the Philippines is full of isolated places that need the gospel. Some brethren spend much time moving ever further through the many isolated hills and islands to reach the lost with the gospel.
Would you like to be part of this great outreach opportunity that has been presented to us?
We are busy printing up tracts to fill a huge ocean container with tracts bound to a central destination, to be distributed from there in all directions.
If you want to give to the Missions Fund, you will be helping a great gospel push while we have the doors open to the Philippines. It will be a special memory, to have been a part of something so huge in scope and with such potential to reach lost souls. 100% of the money goes to provide those tracts to the missionaries.
We maintain an account called: The Chick Missions Fund
Although we are not legally structured to give tax-deductible receipts, we definitely know how to get literature into missionaries' hands. If you would like to help extend the hands of a missionary with Chick tracts, please send your donation to:
Chick Missions Fund |
God bless you as you give.
In Christ Jesus, and for His service,
Donations to the mission fund are processed for us by PayPal. You can use a credit card or PayPal account.
Please use the "Donate now" button below to be redirected to PayPal to make your donation by credit card or your PayPal account. Thank you!
Chick Publications is best known for Chick cartoon tracts. The gospel tracts that people actually like to read! These gospel cartoon tracts are available in over 100 languages and are very popular, with over ONE BILLION sold. (Read more)
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