Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Our world has gone crazy, and we are living in the aftermath of that craziness. On the one hand, growing children—I repeat, children—are being told by grown-ups that their problems come from being the wrong gender, or their “true gender” was born into the wrong body. Then, to add to this science-fiction horror show, these “professionals” advise the parents that if they don’t want their child to kill themselves, they should “transition” into the opposite gender!
But that’s not all.
After claiming that mutilating their little bodies will keep them from killing themselves, many young people are left with a life of physical pain, sickness, regret —and even suicidal thoughts! So, what is the solution these same medical “professionals” offer for this madness? Well, in Canada they offer euthanasia! Those “professionals” say, “Want to kill yourself? We’ll help you!”
So, it was never about health at all, was it? It was all about sterility and death. And the devil is laughing his socks off! We have got to do something about this mess! Gone are the days when religious leaders can say, “Gospel tracts do not work.” The people being saved in missions work around the world show that this is not so. But tracts don’t give themselves out!
Tracts are seeds of hope we need to plant all around the hopeless masses. Even if we can’t talk to them, we need to get that hope into their hands. Chick tracts do that! We have testimonies of people who were about to kill themselves, when someone (or the wind) placed a Chick tract in their hand —and they got saved! We stand for life. Let’s get the gospel message of life to this world while God gives us breath to do it.
In Christ Jesus, and for His service, David Daniels
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Chick Publications is best known for Chick cartoon tracts. The gospel tracts that people actually like to read! These gospel cartoon tracts are available in over 100 languages and are very popular, with over ONE BILLION sold. (Read more)
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