Boy Scouts Moving Farther from Original Purpose

For the last 20 years the Boy Scouts of America have worked hard at destroying their original purpose of building boys into honorable young men. Now they have gone another step by removing even the word “boy” from their official title, all in the name of “diversity.”

Why the King James is Better

There are really only two sides to the Bible version issue. One is the plot that Satan has hatched to use counterfeit manuscripts to create the new bibles. The other side is the fact that the reputation of the preserved words of God in the King James Bible in English has been intentionally and seriously damaged.

How One Tract Brightened a Family’s Dark Day

Greg Watford has a very effective ministry on the streets of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. His story was featured in the January/February 2023 issue of BATTLE CRY. He saw many lounging at the city bus stops killing time before their next ride. Looking for a way to get the gospel in front of more people, he approached them with a handful of tracts, and found them very receptive.

Good News from All Over - July 2024

Worldwide United Methodists have been bleeding members over their acceptance of same-sex marriage and homosexual clergy. In fact, it has now turned into a hemorrhage. A regional body of nearly 1,000,000 members in West Africa recently voted in one block to exit the denomination.

Missions Fund Report - July 2024

Thanks to the many of you who support Chick tracts for missionaries through the Chick Missions Fund. Because you faithfully give, when missionaries call asking for Chick tracts we are able to say “Yes!” and move quickly to ship what they need.

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