Chick Mailbag

Hi, Brother Daniels. I just wanted to say how much I’ve been blessed by your books and vlogs, and, really, a re-introduction to Chick tracts.

See, I had been given several Chick tracts 25 years ago. Then, during my rebellious first year in college, I had visited a campus ministry probably once or twice, but had managed to take some of the Chick tracts they were handing out. I just found them in a box yesterday (like, 22 years later) and started finally handing them out and not hoarding them any longer.

In the meantime, I’d been reading a ton of the tracts online and I purchased four sets of 50 and a sampler box yesterday. So, yesterday afternoon at Starbucks, I read “God’s Little Angel” to my two young sons. My 9-year-old exclaimed how much sense it made to him.

So, I decided to read it to my VBS small group. Four of the nine kids professed faith in Jesus! Wahoo! So excited. It may have been the caffeine, but I’m confident I was ecstatic because of these four new lives! Both my kids are excited to get these tracts and hand them out. Blessings to you and all those at Chick Publications.

The biggest surprise to me was not the professions, but that the VBS coordinator was surprised. God is awesome! He’s so faithful when I am not. We must not be afraid to preach the whole counsel of God, as many are these days.

J.S. —Facebook