Pope Francis Making a Sharper Left Turn

He has decided that humanism and big government can help him consolidate papal power.

Many Muslims Searching for Truth

Violence done by the hands of Muslims has many of them questioning who they really serve. We must be prepared to share the true Saviour with them.

Churches Next For Homoactivists

Homosexual leader calls for churches to be forced to take homosexuality off the "sin list." Followers respond with violent attacks.

Anyone Over Six Feet Gets One of These

Tim Berends gives great ideas on how to pass out tracts (and get them accepted).

Great Cost of Tolerating Sin

When Christians in America went soft on sin a century ago, the fruit was not immediately obvious. Now we are beginning to see a horrible harvest.

Why I Don't Trust the New King James

Author gives three examples of why he will stay with his tried-and-true King James Bible.

Tracts Work In Prisons and On The Streets

These 'paper missionaries' continue to be efficient soul-winners around the world.

Message From Jack Chick May/June 2015

These three nuns read the tracts, got saved, and left that awful institution.

Chick Mail Bag May/June 2015

He realized how simple salvation really is.

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