"Adopted" Tract + the Lord = a Baby's Life Saved
She used a simple tract to save a baby's life. |
"Great Commission" Foreign to 51% of Church Goers
Having eliminated all biblical training in our government schools —and at most family dinner tables— recent generations are strikingly illiterate of even common biblical concepts. |
“I'm forever grateful for that little tract…”
Singer and musician, Kathleen Carnali, tells how the Chick tract, 'This Was Your Life' she received as a teenager in Massachusetts was instrumental in her salvation. |
10 Million Souls on Our Doorstep; Do We Care?
Many churches, particularly in the southern part of the United States, have long had a burden for the ready-made mission field that comes across our southern border. But now the flood is almost overwhelming in that area and the entire country has been opened to that soulwinning opportunity |
A Burning Desire for Lost Souls Led to Saturation Mission
Greg Watford shares some great success stories of saturation with Chick tracts in Louisiana. |
A Christian's Immediate Evangelistic Device (IED)... A Chick Tract
This Evangelistic 'Warrior' shares examples of easy ways to use tracts to 'wage spiritual war' against Satan. |
A Message From David Daniels
Revival! What does it mean? Who does it begin with? Why doesn’t the church revive? We need to ask ourselves some important questions. |
A Message From Jack Chick
Today I went fishing for men and ladies. It was fun! |
A Message From Jack Chick
My pastor let me conduct a local tract test with my church. The result was surprising. |
America Must Become “Good” Again
As America has turned away from God, she has been losing what made her great. The path to recovering her greatness is not political, it is spiritual. She must turn back to God. |
Chick Tract + Kindness = Happier Street Girl
One lady tells how she used a Chick tract to help a troubled girl who was in her kitchen. |
Chick Tract in Halloween Sack 'Changed My Life'
One young person wrote to us about what happened when his family passed out Chick tracts that the parents provided... |
'Chick Tracts are an Absolute Must!'
Say Missionaries
"Chick tracts are an absolute must, on an hour-by-hour basis, to reach the bustling masses of Chinese souls we encounter..." |
Chick Tracts Changed My Life -- Twice
I couldn't forget that picture from "This Was Your Life." I knew what I needed to do. |
Chick's Nigerian Distributor Jailed for 5 Weeks Over Chick Tract
A fax from the Chick Publication distributor in Nigeria spotlights the blessing we have in America in the freedom to present the gospel. |
Church Finds Advantages to Using Tracts
to Reach Community
Some churches have developed creative ways to use Chick tracts both to get public exposure for their church and sow the gospel into homes in their community. |
Cleo Finds a Partner
One of our customers shares how the therapy dog she is training has opened the door to witnessing with the Chick tract 'Cleo.' |
'Deaths of Despair' Are On The Rise
Why is America the third most depressed country in the world? The answer, and solution, are simple. |
Does the Great Commission Apply to Me?
Are pastors the only ones obligated to obey the Great Commission? |
Eighty-Year-Old says, "Anyone Can Get Tracts into Cuba."
Mario Rodriguez is 80 years old but that doesn't slow him down much when it comes to getting the gospel out. |
Event Evangelism: Take the Gospel Where the Crowds Are
At local ball games or world class events like the Rose Parade, Mardi Gras, and Olympic events, hundreds of thousands of Chick "paper missionaries" go into the hands of the spectators, athletes, or performers. |
Facts About Tracts
Little-known facts may surprise you about how God has used tracts in history. |
Fulfilling Christ's Command
Have we failed to keep Christ’s command if we fail to convert those in false religions? Or have we instead faithfully kept the Great Commission when we present the Gospel. It’s not about percent conversions . . . it’s about faithfully preaching the message. |
Give It to Them Anyway
When you go handing out Chick tracts, don't try to figure out whether they're saved or unsaved or backslidden. Give them the tract anyway. |
God Sees The Seed We Plant
You never know where your Chick tracts may end up. Sometimes the results are surprising! |
Gospel Tract Club Adds New Dimension
to Bus Ministry
Many churches use some form of bus ministry to reach into the homes of their communities. |
Halloween: A Little Door to a Big Temptation
Opening doors to more than children. |
Help Your Church Spread the Gospel: Use Tracts to Support Your Church's Ministry
Would you like to encourage the people you go to church with to share the gospel? |
I Wanted Them To Have The Same Joy
Chad Bernik tells how Chick tracts helped shape his life. |
Increase In Bible Interest Means Better Witnessing
A recent poll finds Americans more 'favorable' to the Bible. Now is the time reach them with Gospel tracts." |
It Worked! David Got the Gospel!
At the age of 6, Chad Bernick got saved and wanted to share Jesus with his best friend, David. He tells the story about how he did it —at public school! |
January 2019 Message from David W. Daniels
People are questioning the world around them. But we have to ask them the most important question of all, 'Is your name in the book of life?' |
Missionaries using tracts supplied by Amazing Gospel Tract Fellowship
Caspary has spent 17 years in Southeast Asia establishing churches and teaching local pastors how to evangelize. |
ONE BILLION Chick Tracts
A miracle happened sometime during 2021: we sold our billionth tract! |
People Actually Thank Me When I Witness To Them!
It's all in how you do it. Chick tracts make witnessing easy, and people love to read them. |
Reaching Lost Souls on Top of the World
Missionary Chris Shull and his family have been serving the Lord in Greenland since 2007. See what the Lord is doing in this remote land and how Chick tracts are helping reach lost souls on top of the world. |
Sidewalk Rights
Read how this tract user politely but firmly refused to back down, until the police legal team admitted he had every right to pass tracts on the sidewalk in front of the school. |
Sixty-Seven Million Foreign Speakers in the US Need the Gospel in Their Language
The United States Census Bureau recently reported that there are approximately 67.8 million people in the US that speak a language other than English at home. This works out to about one person in five who prefers a language different than English. Although America has always been a melting pot, the number of people moving here from foreign countries dropped steadily during the 20th century to somewhat less than 5%. However, that began to change around 1970, building back up to the present heavy mix of foreign speakers. |
So Many Ways --So LIttle Time
Here are just some of the many different scenarios available for the soul-winner who wants to include Chick tracts in his witnessing. |
Soul Winners, We Must Pass It On
Pollster George Barna gives poll results showing why the coming generation of Christians is less likely to witness. |
The "Failure" That Wasn't
This story from a tract user confirms one thing... Chick Tracts DO get read! |
The Best Retirement 'Investment'
This couple found a way to make their "Golden Years" productive for eternity. |
The New Face of Evangelism
Some are beginning to question ‘relationship evangelism.’ Could it be that it’s time to return to using tracts? |
The Vital Work of Tract Passing
The two things that get in the way of witnessing with tracts, and what we need to get around them. |
Tracting at Mardi Gras
Witnessing in difficult or hostile places sometimes requires careful selection of the right tract, and a good idea for presenting it. Tim Berends offers several. |
Tracts in 12 Languages Ready for World Cup Games
Amazing Grace Tract Fellowship continues to fund Chick literature projects and video translations around the world. |
Tracts Make Halloween a Prime Witnessing Adventure
More than Christmas or Easter, Halloween is being turned into a major national witnessing opportunity by creative soul winners. |
Tracts Work In Prisons and On The Streets
These 'paper missionaries' continue to be efficient soul-winners around the world. |
We Need Tracts—Plus Wisdom
A story from a father demonstrates that we must not be completely content to just hand someone the gospel. We must also be prepared to follow up with a more complete discussion of our Biblical worldview. |