New Pope Speaks for Political Salvation

The new Jesuit pope continues his campaign for unity of world religions but now has spoken in favor of the forces driving toward one-world government.

Philippines Has Open Door to the Gospel

Mission Fund Report - Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) caused massive destruction in the Philippines and took the lives of over 5,000 people. Many of you have donated to our Mission's Fund which has helped us provide thousands of free tracts to missionaries in the Philippines. Here's an update on what's going on there.

New Tract a Shot at the Watchtower

This new tract for Jehovah's Witnesses shows clearly that the Watchtower Society does not claim to be inspired, and that the Scriptures prove Jesus is Jehovah.

Soul Winners, We Have Work to Do

As American's first President, George Washington, predicted that faith and morality would be required for democracy to survive. Many Americans think we can go on without God, but the Founders knew otherwise.

They Just Couldn't Leave 'Bad Enough' Alone

The NIV is proof that some people can't leave bad enough alone. The first NIV actually got something right. Now Zondervan has "fixed" it with an outrageous change.

Humanists Desperate to Protect Government Schools

American Humanist Association sues teacher for praying, because of fear that some student might "hear." Imagine that!

Message From Jack Chick January/February 2014

Why did God bless America like He has? And why are we in danger of losing that blessing? It has to do with Israel.

Chick Mail Bag January/February 2014

Criminal defense attorney gives Chick tracts to clients and prisoners.

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