When The Mosque Comes To Town

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128 pages
What should a Christian do when the Mosque comes to town? Read a free excerpt here.
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When The Mosque Comes To Town
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How do you reach through the invisible, yet ever-present barriers that exist between you and your Muslim neighbors and effectively share the gospel? How do you tell them about Jesus?

Those questions are what this book answers. Through each chapter, you will be shown how to reach out to Muslim neighbors, friends, and acquaintances. You will be guided through effective strategies to help you confidently share the gospel right from the start. This is part guide, part instruction manual, and part "how-to" book for sharing the gospel with Muslims.

If you have a heart to reach Muslims or know someone who does, this book is for you! Read it, use it, try it out, and pass it on!

Table of Contents

  • Introduction: Muslims Move In
  • Chapter 1: Saying Hello
  • Chapter 2: Getting into Conversation
  • Chapter 3: Real Conversations
  • Chapter 4: Real Situations
  • Chapter 5: Stereotypes and Misconceptions
  • Chapter 6: A Living Testimony
  • Chapter 7: Pointing to Jesus
  • Chapter 8: Jesus Himself
  • Chapter 9: Going Deeper and Discipling
  • Chapter 10: Final Word

Table of Contents

  • Introduction: Muslims Move In
  • Chapter 1: Saying Hello
  • Chapter 2: Getting into Conversation
  • Chapter 3: Real Conversations
  • Chapter 4: Real Situations
  • Chapter 5: Stereotypes and Misconceptions
  • Chapter 6: A Living Testimony
  • Chapter 7: Pointing to Jesus
  • Chapter 8: Jesus Himself
  • Chapter 9: Going Deeper and Discipling
  • Chapter 10: Final Word


About Author

Gina S Wilson

Gina’s burden for Muslims began early on in life. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree and completing several short-term missions trips, she received an appointment to work in a major Muslim country. This put her in direct contact with Muslim families and coworkers on a daily basis.

She came to understand that the commonalities of life that bind all humans together are just as prevalent in Muslim societies. Through prayer and daily living out her relationship with Jesus, she found many opportunities to share the gospel. A pattern began to emerge in her witnessing that took into consideration the complexities of their culture and the open doors they provide. She has walked through those doors to effectively supply Muslims with information about the Jesus that they so misunderstand.

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Author: Gina S Wilson
ISBN: 9780758909664
Pages: 128 - paperback
Price: $7.95