"Don't Let The Cops Catch You Reading This"

Sometimes humor is the best way to get someone to take a tract. When Tim Berends was a child, his Baptist minister father passed out tracts wherever they went. If they arrived at a gas station, his father would tell Tim to get a tract out to give to the station attendant. Once, Tim complained, “Do we have to give a tract to everybody?” Now, 70-some-odd years later, Tim makes it his goal to pass out tracts to “everybody.”

...“hardly ANYBODY turns me down!”

Evangelist Tim Berends tells how most people gladly accept the tract 'Plagues' during this time of global pandemic.

A Message From Jack Chick

Today I went fishing for men and ladies. It was fun!

But it has Jesus in it!

No one can resists little Havilah when she offers a Chick tract. How our family found a ministry with Chick tracts.

Cheerleader Cheers Cheer Camp with Chick Tracts

The story highlights Brian, a long-time Chick customer, who has creatively shared gospel tracts throughout his life—as a college cheerleader, an insurance agent, and later as a pastor. His efforts have impacted many, including a man whose life changed after reading a Chick tract.

Chick Tract in Halloween Sack 'Changed My Life'

One young person wrote to us about what happened when his family passed out Chick tracts that the parents provided...

Church Finds Advantages to Using Tracts to Reach Community

Some churches have developed creative ways to use Chick tracts both to get public exposure for their church and sow the gospel into homes in their community.

Cleo Finds a Partner

One of our customers shares how the therapy dog she is training has opened the door to witnessing with the Chick tract 'Cleo.'

Event Evangelism: Take the Gospel Where the Crowds Are

At local ball games or world class events like the Rose Parade, Mardi Gras, and Olympic events, hundreds of thousands of Chick "paper missionaries" go into the hands of the spectators, athletes, or performers.

Getting Older? Pass It On

Let's not forget that there is a new generation of Christians coming right up behind us who want to change the world just like we wanted to. They just need some help and guidance.

Gospel Tract Club Adds New Dimension to Bus Ministry

Many churches use some form of bus ministry to reach into the homes of their communities.

How We Reached Our In-Laws for Christ

Our in-laws were coming! We placed tracts and comics all around the house, and one night they accepted Christ.

More Great Witnessing Ideas

An extensive list of ways to witness with Chick tracts. Use your imagination!

Saturate Your Town

This article was contributed by Maria D. who shares what happened after having a dream about how to use tracts to reach her town.

The Best Retirement 'Investment'

This couple found a way to make their "Golden Years" productive for eternity.

Tract Passing Tips - Jan-2006

More ways to use tracts - gas pumps, waitresses, spam responses

Tract Passing Tips - Jan-2008

jury duty, repair estimates

Tract Passing Tips - January 2000

Coffee cans, bookstore shevles, party bags

Tract Passing Tips - January 2001

Address books, beach sand, contest prizes

Tract Passing Tips - January 2003

Hospitals, parades, Awana, open houses

Tract Passing Tips - January 2004

Picketers, Easter "deliveries", pizza orders, airport employees

Tract Passing Tips - January 2005

Windshield wipers, bag lunches, luncheons, drive-thrus, and more!

Tract Passing Tips - July 2000

Store craft sections, car door handles, with letters

Tract Passing Tips - July 2001

Foreign exchange students, public libraries, trade shows

Tract Passing Tips - July 2003

Small shops and restaurants, real estate magazines, bulletin boards

Tract Passing Tips - July 2004

Airport benches, new cars, safe deposit box

Tract Passing Tips - July 2005

Travelers, vending machine, baseball game

Tract Passing Tips - July 2006

Fellow campers, college students

Tract Passing Tips - July 2007

Business cards, pockets in clothing stores, and more.

Tract Passing Tips - March 2001

Shopping, courtroom, airport bathroom stalls,

Tract Passing Tips - March 2003

Gifts for the poor, supermarket

Tract Passing Tips - March 2004

Street events, laundromat, recruiting stations, restrooms

Tract Passing Tips - March 2005

Hotels, gifts, sidewalks in front of schools

Tract Passing Tips - March 2006

Rollerblading, pizza delivery men

Tract Passing Tips - March 2008

Funeral, letters, pregnancy center, car dealership

Tract Passing Tips - May 2000

Piano students, casinos, Catholic churches

Tract Passing Tips - May 2001

Rest areas, picnic tables, toilet paper rolls

Tract Passing Tips - May 2004

Mail to psychics, trailer courts, commuter trains

Tract Passing Tips - May 2005

S.S classes, phone book names

Tract Passing Tips - May 2006

Bookstore occult sections, amusement parks, flea markets

Tract Passing Tips - May 2007

Tract witnessing ideas include tracts in student cars at high school.

Tract Passing Tips - November 1999

Open car windows, detention homes, office lobby, truck stop

Tract Passing Tips - November 2000

Carolling, military post, empty bottles

Tract Passing Tips - November 2004

Waiting rooms, Chinese restaurants, tutoring students

Tract Passing Tips - November 2005

Water bottles, visitors to home, Carnival, medical mission

Tract Passing Tips - November 2007

Teaching kids to read, gas station pump

Tract Passing Tips - November 2008

Box on front porch for children

Tract Passing Tips - November 2009

More tract witnessing ideas, including how to reach homeless people with a "gift".

Tract Passing Tips - September 2001

Doctor's offices, stores, bus passengers, airport seats

Tract Passing Tips - September 2003

Libraries, dressing rooms, waiting rooms

Tract Passing Tips - September 2004

Motorcycle rally, border crossing

Tract Passing Tips - September 2005

NASCAR events, telescope viewers

Tract Passing Tips - September 2008

Halloween tracts lead to witnessing at school

Tract Passing Tips January 2002

Public sidewalks, feeding ministry pantries, restrooms.

Tract Passing Tips- March 2000

Yard sales, pen pals, diaper changer tables, sales clerks

Tracting at Mardi Gras

Witnessing in difficult or hostile places sometimes requires careful selection of the right tract, and a good idea for presenting it. Tim Berends offers several.

YOU can be a good witness

Why cartoon Chick tracts can make it easy and fun to witness for Christ.