It Pays to Advertise

Successful companies have learned that the most effective form of advertising is the personal testimony about the product...What's the correlation?

Ever Wanted to 'Kill Somebody'?

How often have we wanted revenge and deserved a rebuke from the Lord? So wouldn`t it be helpful to know what Jesus said when He rebuked the disciples for wanting to "kill somebody?"

Archbishop Says Muslim Law in Britain "Unavoidable"

"I am fed up with being under the thumb of this population [Muslim immigrants] which is destroying us, destroying our country and imposing its acts," Bardot said.

Chick Mail Bag May-2008

When I read that Mohammed was not sent by God to be a prophet, I gave my life to Jesus!

Chick tracts help people learn English

How missionaries use Chick tracts to extend their reach.

Bush White House First 'Catholic' Presidency?

How sad that the "born-again" leader of the free world should give a royal welcome to the leader of a religion which holds one billion people in spiritual bondage.

Short Term Missions Trip? Don't Forget Tracts

In the last 50 years, short term missions trips have grown from a few each year to over 1 million Americans traveling abroad every year.

Pastor Develops Witnessing Strategy for Muslims

Pastor Brian Kelly, who pastors in New York and operates the 42nd Street Soul Saving Station in the 42nd Street subway station, witnesses to many Muslims who pass his literature stand.

Does Your Church Know Tracts Work?

Did you get saved by reading a Chick Tract? Thousands of people have written to Chick Publications over the years saying that they did.

A Vacation From Soul Winning?

Is a vacation also a break from soul winning? Serious Bible believers know that there is nothing about that in the great commission.

Rescuing a Loved One from the Watchtower

Here are some steps you can take to assist your loved one to exit the Watchtower.

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