Pope Casts His Vote for Globalism

Throughout history the popes have maneuvered to come out on top in any world conflict. Today's struggle between freedom and globalism is no different.

Chicago Soul Winning Team Defending Their Freedom

Two students from Wheaton College in Chicago have filed a motion asking a judge to protect their rights to share their faith in a public park.

British Judge Rules Bible is Wrong

A British judge rules against a Christian doctor who believes transgenderism is a sin, saying, belief in Genesis 1:27 is 'incompatible with human dignity.'

Parents, Do You Know What's Happening in School?

Transgender grooming in kindergarten? A battle for the next generation is insidiously being waged inside our public schools.

Rome Encouraging Bible Reading?

There is now little fear by British Roman Catholic leaders in England in pushing Bible readings, since the reader is likely to be reading a Catholic-friendly Bible.

Missions Fund Report: November 2019

Read some of the latest reports coming in from Philippines, Kenya, India, and more.

Chick Mail Bag - November

Testimony from a former Catholic

A message from David W. Daniels

David shares how his life was changed by an individual sharing a Chick tract with him.

“Java Jack” Tells How Chick Tracts Changed His Life

In the following letter, “Java Jack” tells us how God used Chick tracts to grab his attention, and later for him to use to witness to all his customers.

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