Roman Catholicism’s Disconnect from the Scriptures Is Increasingly Clear

When popes or anyone else ignores the Bible in their efforts to solve the world’s problems, the Bible says that lawlessness shall increase until chaos reigns. See how Pope Francis is abandoning Biblical teaching to fit the U.N. One World agenda.

Researcher Finds ‘Catastrophic Decline’ in Christians’ Worldview

When Christian researcher George Barna discovered that only 6% of the American population had a truly Biblical worldview, it was disturbing enough. Now he has gone one step further and evaluated the worldview of America’s Christians. See what he found out!

Mission Fund Report: January 2024

Your mission giving keeps growing, and missionaries keep asking for more Chick tracts! Read here how your giving is being used, and what’s happening!

Prisoner Discovered That Somebody Really Does Love Him

From Mission Possible: 'Our mother abandoned us, but through this little tract I learned that Jesus loves even a prisoner like me. Thank you for that tract!'

Halloween Success Stories

Read testimonies from Christians who are rejoicing over the opportunity that Halloween provided this and every year.

Notes from All Over - January 2024

Some victories, and challenges, in the global battle against perversion. Win some, lose some, but NEVER give up!

A Message from David W. Daniels

Author David W. Daniels shares a true story from one of his books that illustrates what happens when we don't teach our children how to understand some of the unfamiliar words in the King James Bible. Don't settle for a modern corruption of what God actually said!

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