"Adopted" Tract + the Lord = a Baby's Life Saved

She used a simple tract to save a baby's life.

Aborted Baby Parts For Sale

Most people are well aware that over a million babies a year are killed in U.S. abortion clinics.

Abortion —Another Heart Problem

Is the murder of an unborn child in the name of ‘convenience’ any different than offering them upon the altars of pagan gods in Canaan?

Abortion Fallout Exposing 'House of Horrors`

When the Gosnell case revealed the gory business of killing babies, it became clear what a horror legalized abortion in America has become.

Abortion victim begs: "Don't Make the Same Mistakes I Did"

Hear some interesting facts on the effects of having an abortion.

Abortion's New Level of Evil Opens Witnessing Opportunity

A 2015 video on YouTube reveals a high-level administrator in Planned Parenthood's abortion field admitting that abortion procedures are carefully executed to preserve certain organs in the murdered baby.

Actress Still Promotes Abortion —After a Broken Heart

Actress Uma Thurman describes her broken heart over the abortion of her baby at age 15, but says it’s okay saved her acting career.

Are We Reaping What We Have Sown?

As a nation, we are seeing our just rewards for our legalization of abortion with the looming bankruptcy of Social Security.

Biblical Marriage the Casualty of the "Sexual Revolution"

For fifty years, one court case after another has jackhammered away at the foundations of marriage. So, where are we headed now?

Chapter 4 - Murder?

The Millers looked like the ideal family. But beneath that veneer were the same hurts and failings that afflict millions.

Could Proposed Law Decriminalize Infanticide? (Killing of babies)

A proposed California Assembly Bill appears to eliminate any criminal penalties for killing a baby anytime before birth and for a short time after birth.

Medical Personnel Now Free to Refuse to Assist Abortions

The new Health and Human Services leadership has reversed a previous policy that cost some medical workers their jobs.

More States Are Voting for Assisted Suicide

America is quietly opening up another chapter of death. Why should we trust evil and godless governments to decide who should live and who should not?

Pro-Aborts and Sodomites to Spend Millions On Election

In this election year, it is essential that we remember that, "Righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people." (Proverbs 14:34)

Pro-life Advocates Apologize for Viewing Catholics as Cult Members

"I have never seen such an instrument for ecumenism as Operation Rescue is," says Catholic priest Patrick Malone, head of St. Mary Catholic Parish just outside Wichita.

Pro-Life Movement Blunts Soulwinning Between Participants

The pro-life movement is key to the future of the ecumenical movement, claims Steven Wood, a Presbyterian pastor who became a Catholic priest.

Trafficking —Abortion’s Twin Sister

Besides the horrors of dismembering children in the womb, abortion also provides cover for abusers of sex slaves or human trafficking.

UK 'Death Template' Kills 130,000 a Year

Two major hospitals in the U.K. have developed a 'template to guide the care of the dying.' But are these patients really near death or is this a convenient way to deal with the rising cost of medical care?

Will 'Right to Die' Become 'Obligation to Die?'

"I just feel if we can do it for animals, we can do it for human beings." Robert Baxter, a 75-year-old retired truck driver in Montana is referring to his petition to the state supreme court to allow a doctor to kill him.

Would You Consider Abortion in These Three Situations?

See how your answer could change the course of history.