Pope Using the Pandemic to Beat the Drum for Unity

Many of the powerful in this world are trying to leverage the coronavirus pandemic to their own advantage. Not the least of these is Pope Francis.

What Would Isaiah Say Today?

Is America in Bible prophecy? Scholars are not sure. However, there are strong parallels between our nation and Israel's history. America has followed Israel's pattern in that after a few generations of prosperity, massive idolatry has followed.

Missions Fund Report: July 2020

In this July 2020 report, you will see how your donations are helping provide free tracts to missionaries worldwide and are helping point lost souls to Christ.

World Missions Changing

A major shift is occurring in world missions. During the last century, the primary focus of missionary activity was from the West to the East and South. Now, increasingly, that focus is reversing.

Why Young Christian Leaders Are Losing Their Faith

A Christian band member shook his world. He announced that he no longer believes in God: 'Once I found that I didn’t believe the Bible was the perfect Word of God, it didn't take long to realize that I was no longer sure he was there at all.' Where did he go wrong?

Nation’s First High School LGBTQ+ Course In Maryland

Two high schools in Maryland are scheduling a pilot course on the 'history and culture' of homosexuality. The Montgomery County Board of Education unanimously approved the development of the curriculum to be offered in the spring semester.

A Message From David Daniels

Does God say we are supposed to be panicking? What can we be doing while the rest of the world is?

Chick Mailbag

Customer writes, 'I have been handing Chick Tracts out for many years now and I have used your ideas throughout many situations and what great responses.'

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