Halloween: Soul Winners Making Creative Use of 'Devil's Holiday'

More even than Christmas or Easter, Halloween is being turned into a major national witnessing opportunity by creative soul winners.

Muslims Using Hate Laws to Stamp Out Religous Freedom in Canada

Mark Harding, the founder of The Christian Standard, a Christian publication in Canada alerting believers to attacks on the Christian faith, has spent two days in jail for criticizing Islam.

Mary Saves?

Already she has been declared by previous popes to have been born without sin (dogma of the Immaculate Conception, 1814) and taken bodily into heaven at her death (dogma of the Assumption, 1950).

World Renown Scientist's Computer Proves Noah's Flood

A new computer in the supercomputing department of the National Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Los Alamos, New Mexico is being used by a world renown scientist to present evidence that the earth is less than 10,000 years old, just as the Bible says.

Promise Keepers Changes Statement of Faith to Please Rome

Few Bible believers are unaware of the Promise Keepers movement which began in the early 1990's and in 1996 attracted 1.1 million men to rallies in 22 major cities of the U.S.

The Gift Presented to Law Makers in Brazil

As a missionary to Brazil, Daniel Callis' vision to distribute 10,000 Portuguese The Gift throughout Brazil has expanded beyond what he had expected.

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