Pope Makes Social Call to Iraq

Pope Francis continues building bridges to Islam with a house visit to Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani of Iraq. To lead a world-dominant religion, he needs connections to Islam.

Supreme Court Establishes Strong Precedent for Soul Winners

The U.S. Supreme Court has now made clear that students have the right to share their faith on college campuses even if someone objects to what they are saying. This was a major free speech victory.

Missions Fund Report: May 2021

The Pandemic has not stopped missionaries from obeying the Great Commission. The Chick tracts you provide them are making a huge difference.

Newfound Dead Sea Scrolls Prove Bible History

Discovery of more scrolls near the Dead Sea continue to show that the Bible is historically correct.

A Pandemic Bigger Than COVID-19

In the U.S., the suicide rate increased 24% between 1999 and 2014, totaling over 48,000 in 2018. Only the gospel can change a person's heart and Chick tracts are the easiest way to get the message out.

Prison Fund Report - May 2021

The warden wanted to know why the inmates had stopped fighting, and were sitting reading. What happened?

A Message From David Daniels

A door is opening. Freedom of religious speech is being acknowledged again. Let’s continue to get as many gospel tract seeds spread as we can.

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