Sodomites Continuing Push for Approval
Examples of new laws giving special protections to homosexuals.
Muslim TV Exec Beheads Wife Over Divorce
A killing in Buffalo, New York has horrified Americans and provided varying degrees of shock in the Muslim community.
Is It Possible to be a 'Born-Again' Catholic?
Here are a few answers to this question...
Evolution: Faith - Not Science!
Because they are complex, many things appear to have been designed and created: cars, refrigerators, the earth and particularly the living things that live on earth...
'Christianity Changes People's Hearts' Says Avowed Atheist
"In Africa, Christianity changes people's hearts." To believers, this is not a surprising statement, but coming from an avowed atheist, it is a rare admission.
Introducing a new tract that appeals to the selfishness of the unsaved.
After watching "Light of the World" my young daughter wanted to accept Christ right then.
Sodomites Attack Donors to Yes-on-Marriage Amendment
As America continues to legalize sin, those committed to evil become more bold in attacking people standing for righteousness.
We Plant — God Gives the Increase
"Jesus spoke of the word of God being like seed sown in a field..."
Survey: Only 1 Percent of Young Adults Have Biblical World View
A recent survey finds that the youngest adults in America are increasingly confused about biblical truth.
Tamil Light of the World Broadcast in India
Originally produced in English and Spanish, it helps people to truly understand the gospel in over 20 languages. Have you shown it at your church?
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