Why the King James is Better


There are really only two sides to the Bible version issue. One is the plot that Satan has hatched to use counterfeit manuscripts to create the new bibles. The other side is the fact that the reputation of the preserved words of God in the King James Bible in English has been intentionally and seriously damaged.

Here are some important truths about the KJV that dishonest scholars and greedy publishers have attempted to bury:

The KJV Is Based On Better Manuscripts.

  • The KJV is backed up by more than 5700 documents with a consistent agreement of text and proven history, as opposed to less than 50 primary ones with dubious history, omissions and contradictions used in the modern versions.
  • It was unjustly maligned by dishonest scholars and publishers with a nefarious agenda who substituted inferior manuscripts used by less competent translators than those of the King James.

The KJV Translators Were The Most Competent Of All Time.

  • They learned Greek, Latin, and even Hebrew from childhood, and some spoke multiple languages fluently.
  • They were selected by the churches from top universities that still exist today.
  • They used time-tested historical methods of determining the accuracy of text, rather than the modern “pseudo-science” of paleography.

The KJV Translators Used A Translation Method That Guaranteed The Most Accurate Results.

  • There were over 50 translators with a plan to rotate the drafts until maximum agreement was reached.
  • Each translator made his own translation and suggestions and brought them to their meetings.
  • Translators were allowed to object and state the case for their preferred reading.
  • In the end, the translators agreed on almost every one of the 783,137 words. Any objections that remained after 14 separate readings were placed in a note, preceded by “Or”.

The KJV Translators Used Classic, Timeless English That Standardized The Language For All Time.

  • The KJV communicates a unique richness in concepts.
  • It contains only about 600 less-familiar words not recognized by a well-educated fifth grader. Simply by learning them, nothing in the KJV translation becomes “too hard” to understand.
  • Language is fluid and to preserve a timeless message you need a timeless, precise, standardized language that does not change over time. Then the reader can learn (and memorize) that language and be assured they are getting the truth that God intended.

The KJV Shows A Consistent Narrative.

  • The precision of the classic English contains more accurate and elaborate details of the single Biblical narrative across 1400 years and multiple writers.
  • It contains the missing words and phrases left out of the new bibles that create doubt.

The KJV Bible Worked Wonders Worldwide For 413 Years.

  • The KJV supported worldwide missionary success fulfilling Matt. 24:14 “And this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”
  • It supported the Reformation and many revivals in the Western World that led to the most general prosperity in history. There has been no significant culture-wide revival since introduction of the modern Bibles. 

The KJV Bible Is Free Of The Gnostic Distortions In The Modern Bibles. (See Look What’s Missing.)

  • The KJV contains all the verses and phrases missing from the Alexandrian manuscripts that were made to reflect Gnostic teaching.
  • It includes titles of Jesus that modern bibles leave out, diminishing His Godhood.
  • It includes verses omitted from modern Bibles that show Christ’s power. 

The KJV Fulfills God’s Promise That He Would Preserve His Words.

  • See Psalm 12:6-7; Mark 13:31; etc. If you have two bibles that disagree, you have to decide which one is covered by these promises —or doubt the promises.
  • Would God wait until the 1800s to reveal the best Bible? If the “best manuscripts” did not show up until the 1800s, that would mean that God failed to keep His promise to preserve His words for the people that lived before that.

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All this shows that the Spirit of God was behind the protection of the purity of the language and the translation of the KJV. When we settle for a modern Bible, we accept less than what God wanted us to have. When someone tells you that a modern Bible is better, check his motive. He may be more interested in making the sale rather than giving you a quality product.

Most high-quality products require a steeper learning curve. But we buy them because of the greater value. No matter what you are told, the KJV is the Cadillac of Bibles. But it takes some “getting used to” before receiving the fullness of God’s truth that the KJV contains.

Many people go to the Bible just for therapy. The modern Bibles may be adequate for that shallow purpose. But if you are serious about the whole truth, then you need the superior quality and accuracy of the KJV.

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