Don't Worry About Hell - Jehovah's Witnesses - What Do They Believe?

They offer a cunning mixture of Scripture verses and "almost" Christian doctrines.

'Most True JWs Are Dead or Very Old': Author

Evangelist Daniel Rodriguez has been witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses for over 22 years.


How does the Jehovah's Witness view of salvation compare with that of the Bible?

Who Are The Jehovah's Witnesses?

How the Watchtower Society uses mind control to keep tight reign on their members.

Why Jehovah's Witness Prophecy Is Important

How can we tell if the doctrines of the Jehovah's Witnesses are true?

Why the King James is Better

There are really only two sides to the Bible version issue. One is the plot that Satan has hatched to use counterfeit manuscripts to create the new bibles. The other side is the fact that the reputation of the preserved words of God in the King James Bible in English has been intentionally and seriously damaged.