Girl Scouts Can Now Earn a Sodomite Patch

Girl scouts can earn the LGBTQ+ patch.

The organization of mama bears called “One Million Moms” is exposing another low in the moral decline of the Girl Scouts.

They quote the organization’s website:

“The Girl Scout LGBTQ+ Pride Month Celebration Fun Patch is designed for Girl Scouts of all levels and their leaders to honor LGBTQ+ history, celebrate their diverse cultures and identities of LGBTQ+ people, and acknowledge the many contributions that the LGBTQ+ community has made and continues to make across our nation. Girls and leaders have plenty of activities to choose from to earn this fun patch and we encourage Girl Scouts of all identities to participate.”

In order to earn the patch, here are some of the activities listed:

  • Sketch a portrait of a member of the LGBTQ+ community who you admire.
  • Make a LGBTQ+ music playlist.
  • Create art that celebrates how families come in all kinds.
  • Participate in No Name-Calling Week, which is sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).
  • Attend an LGBTQ+ Pride celebration.

One Million Moms also notes that this is only a continuation of the Scouts’ moral decline. This slide began several years ago with their support of abortion, Planned Parenthood type sexual education, and other homosexual agendas.

They also point out that only 10 to 20% of the revenue from the Girl Scout cookie sales goes to the local troop. The rest goes to the Girl Scouts USA organization collected as royalty on its trademark. Some of the money then goes to support these perverted agendas.

Unfortunately, the Girl Scouts are not alone in this march to evil.

Mike De Socio is a “queer journalist” writing for the Washington Post. He covered the Boy Scout National Jamboree this summer in W. Virginia and was pleased with what he saw. Among the hundreds of tents was one, “…decorated with a canopy of LGBTQ Pride flags and a string of multicolored lights, its tables covered with bowls of rainbow bracelets, pronoun stickers and diversity patches.”

The tent must have been large because one volunteer told De Socio that there had been up to 2000 kids in the tent at once. The volunteer said:

“But it was all curiosity, and how do I help, rather than [hostility]. So it’s all been incredibly welcoming and positive.”

But the scouts have paid a price.

After admitting homosexual men into their leadership in 2015, transsexual boys in 2017, and girls in 2018, they have lost nearly half their membership. Indeed, the Jamboree was attended by about 15,000 compared to the 40,000 that showed up in 2017.

Shortly after this “openness to diversity,” the organization was hit by 80,000 claims of sexual abuse. The $2.46 billion settlement bankrupted the organization. De Socio tries to spin this to the positive by claiming that it created a shift in focus by the Scouts evidenced by a “diversity, equity, and inclusion merit badge” becoming required for Eagle Scout rank.

To demonstrate how pervasive this is in the organization, De Socio visited the tent set up for girls. There, a 19-year-old “bisexual” volunteer told him:

“I know the people that are coming through here, like trans, nonbinary youth, the queer youth, are having a great time seeing themselves represented in a space that they love so much, that is scouting.”

Fortunately, when the Boy Scouts began to fail, another organization was formed in 2014 to provide an alternative. It is called Trail Life USA and already has over 1,000 troops with an auxiliary called America Heritage Girls and a strong reputation for helping to keep the kids on the straight and narrow.

This shocking attack on the innocence of our children is further evidence that we need to get the gospel out while we still have the freedom to do it.