Girl Scouts Can Now Earn a Sodomite Patch

The Girl Scouts are suffering from some of the same problems that ruined the Boy Scouts. And once again, it's the homosexual steamroller that's pushing hard to destroy the innocence of our children.

Mission Fund Update: September 2023

Chick tracts that you have helped provide continue to amplify the effectiveness of missionaries worldwide. Read the latest report and see pictures.

Mainline 'Churches' Splitting Over Same-Sex Marriage

Several church denominations are losing thousands of churches and their members because of the pro-homosexual stance that these organizations are pushing.

A Message From David W. Daniels

This Halloween, be a rebel against the system. Stock up with tracts to take advantage of this great, once-yearly opportunity to seed the gospel into your neighborhood.

Signs of the Last Days

World events keep lining up with scriptural prophecy. We are to look up for the redemption that Jesus promised. But we also need to use what freedom we have left to make sure as many as possible are given the gospel.

They Just Need Jesus

When the guidelines of Biblical morals and punishment are abandoned in our societies, all we're left with is lawlessness.

Spectacular Pageant Introducing a Buddhist Message

One of the more prominent, conservative news sources has taken on the sponsorship of the Shen Yun performing arts pageant. Christians are unaware of the unbiblical roots of this highly acclaimed performance.

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