Creeping Sharia — It's Not a Theory

Many cities in Europe are experiencing what happens when Muslims obtain a foothold.

Confessions of a Chick Tract User

Don't think you have time to witness? Think again. Chick tracts can help you reach even those who think they are "too busy."

70,000 School Kids Get Gospel -In Zimbabwe

Missionaries Bill and Janet Eubanks have found a fertile field in the public schools... in Zimbabwe.

Do You Converse to Just "Talk" or With Eternity in Mind?

Mark Cahill is always looking for a way to turn a conversation into a discussion about eternity. In his new book, The Watchmen, he lets us sit in on some of his intriguing conversations. Here is one of dozens of examples.

Two Verses That Could Have Changed My Life

"It is possible I never would have become a Mormon if only I had known Galatians 1:8-9."

German Chancellor Declares Christians "˜Most Persecuted'

Some groups claimed it was just 'rumors,' but here are the facts.

Parents Beware

Satan's struggle to capture the next generation continues in our government schools.

Message From Jack Chick January/February 2013

Don't let politics worry you. We already have the Good News.

Chick Mail Bag January/February 2013

First she was mad, but then so thankful.

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