A dangerous trend is growing in modern Christianity—one that has the capability of destroying the church as we know it. What is it? The shift away from Scripture as the foundation of truth.
Mega Church Denies God’s Truth
Once upon a time, Bill White led a thriving church. Initially, his faith was solidly grounded in Scripture. But when his son, Timothy, came out as gay, everything changed. His feelings of confusion and love for his son began to overshadow what the Bible clearly says about sexuality. As his church shrank, Bill felt the need to change with the times.
Bill began allowing his feelings about inclusivity and his personal views to guide his theology, gradually shifting away from the clear teachings of Scripture on sexuality and marriage. As a result, the church underwent a significant transformation that led to a drastic decline in attendance. Christians who held biblical views on marriage and sexuality began to leave, unable to reconcile scripture with what was presented from the pulpit. "Biblical love" was now touted as full acceptance of LGBTQ members in leadership, gay marriage, and female pastors.
Pastor Encourages Move Away from Scripture
For Bill, societal norms, rather than Scripture, started dictating morality, and truth became fluid. The church, instead of holding to timeless truths, shifted to keep up with the latest cultural movement. LGBTQ+ issue became a litmus test for Bill’s church as non-Christians demanded LGBTQ+ inclusivity as a requirement for walking in the door. So, he reinterpreted Scripture to accommodate the world.
In a journal entry, Bill wrote, “Jesus, I want to do some thinking about what it looks like for me to… build my theology on you and not on the Scriptures.” But Bill is clearly missing something —Jesus is the Scripture. He came to fulfill them all. He lived in perfect harmony with them. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. There is no Jesus vs. the Scripture. Jesus doesn’t change with the times and neither does the Bible.
Absolute Truth Traded for Feelings
Bill’s story isn’t just about LGBTQ+ issues; it points to a larger shift away from biblical authority. When one biblical truth is reinterpreted to fit cultural norms, it’s only a matter of time before other truths follow. Sexuality, marriage, salvation—everything becomes debatable and changeable. It’s a slippery slope, and once the sliding begins, it’s hard to stop.
Without a solid understanding of God’s Word, it’s easy to be swayed by every new trend or feeling that arises. But if people don't have a firm foundation of scripture in the first place, how can they stand firm against the shifting tides of culture?
This is why we hold to God's preserved words in English, the King James Bible. We can trust every word in it, from Genesis to Revelation. It is God-breathed and is without error. So, when God declares that he created male and female, and that the union of marriage should be between the two genders, these truths become non-negotiable.
We Must Not Compromise
The church cannot afford to compromise on Scripture, no matter how loudly society demands it. We must hold firm to the unchanging truths of God’s Word. If we don’t, we’ll be swept away by the tides of culture and, like Bill’s church, we’ll find ourselves lost at sea.
Bible-based beliefs are not up for negotiation, and neither is God’s perfect, inerrant Word in English, the King James Bible. When we stand firm on God’s Word, we stand rooted in truth, unwavering in faith, and able to withstand any storm.