Is This Satan’s Counterfeit Revival?

Bible believers know that revival is the only real answer to the corruption and debauchery that has blossomed in the Western World. Until men’s hearts are changed by the Holy Spirit, government policy-making and social justice campaigns are no match for the evil imaginations that men are capable of.

Growing Desire for God in America

Are you ready to throw up your hands over the state of America? Do you feel like everything is on a downward slide that can’t be stopped? Well, you’re certainly not alone. The newest generation of adults is inclined to agree with you.

California a Lab Case for Sexual Perversion

California has just passed a new law installing another layer of bricks in the wall between children and their parents. It deals with the situation when youngsters show up at school with the idea that they can somehow change their gender.

World Government —How Far are We?

Today, some believe that we are watching the final contest between good and evil that the Bible talks about. End-time prophecy indicates that Satan will be at the heart of that struggle to set up a global religion and a global political system.

Oceans of Evidence Point to a Marvelous Creator

The next time you drink a glass of water, consider how finely engineered the liquid in your glass has been to support life. Water is no ordinary substance. It is a unique creation that we literally cannot live without. Michael Denton, an agnostic biochemist from Britain, was surprised to find that water is so perfectly suited to life on earth. His research forced him to admit that “no other liquid could replace water in this role.”

Missions Fund Report September 2024

Through your giving, over 6 million Chick tracts have been shipped overseas for missions so far this year! And there is more to come. Thank you for making it possible to say “Yes” when missionaries ask for Chick tracts to help their outreaches and church planting.

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