Vatican Power Politics More Important Than Truth

When the Catholic church declared that their teachings, the Magisterium, superseded the Bible, they gave themselves the authority to change church doctrine as they wished —adapting to the shifting winds of culture.

Blind Soul Winner Rescued by the Constitution

Gail Blair, a blind woman, was issued a trespass warning and forbidden to evangelize at a local park after a complaint was filed with the local police. A Christian law association helped her fight back to uphold her religious freedom.

Missions Fund Report: January 2021

COVID-19 lockdowns and fear of disease have made missionary work more difficult, but missionaries refuse to quit! And tracts help make the difference.

Sermon Gets Air Force Chaplain Discharged

In 2013, Air Force Chaplain Kurt Cizek preached a message on sexual immorality that cost him his career, retirement pension and health benefits. Not a good result of the ‘sexual revolution.’

Chocolate Skulls, Anyone?

In early November, Latin American Catholic communities celebrate the ‘Day of the Dead’ festival. Various communities erect an altar of sorts that includes pictures of departed relatives and offerings of drink, food, or incense.

Ancient Fortress More Evidence of Bible History

Workers in northern Israel have unearthed what appears to be a fortress used by one of King David’s allies. People with shovels in Israel keep proving that Jesus kept His word to preserve the Bible for us.

Jehovah's Witnesses New Tactics

COVID-19 has certainly changed everything, including the door-to-door activity of the JW's. But does that mean that they have ceased from their proselytizing? How to respond with the gospel.

Suicide —Looking for Help in All the Wrong Places

Leaders today are puzzling over a nearly 60% jump in suicides among young Americans since 2007. Some states experienced a greater number then others, but the phenomenon was broad.

A Message from David Daniels

One cool morning in California, the Lord prompted me to walk a 'long route' to the office. I listened to that nudging and afterwards, I understood why!

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