Good Ole Rotten Apples

  • $14.45

160 pages
Rotten apples that are spoiling the church today. It takes just one! (Read More)

English $14.45

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Good Ole Rotten Apples
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When Satan couldn’t wipe out the church through violence, he realized he had to try something different. His solution? Rot it from within! One by one, Judy Frankamp describes the rotten apples that are spoiling the church. Her homey style makes easy reading, but brace yourself as she points out the damage coming from Harry Potter, “malleable” Bibles, homosexuality in the church and religiosity..

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Adam and Eve Take the Bite
  • Chapter 2: One Little Thought
  • Chapter 3: Religiosity and Witness at the County Fair
  • Chapter 4: Footprints of the Devil
  • Chapter 5: A Tour of the New Age
  • Chapter 6: Spiritual Surgery - Clean at Last
  • Chapter 7: Speaking Truth to Dead Religion
  • Chapter 8: Burdened in the Land of the Deceived
  • Chapter 9: Speaking Truth to Pottermania
  • Chapter 10: Harry Potter and Satan's Rotten Apple Cart
  • Chapter 11: Satan's Ultimate Evil

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Adam and Eve Take the Bite
  • Chapter 2: One Little Thought
  • Chapter 3: Religiosity and Witness at the County Fair
  • Chapter 4: Footprints of the Devil
  • Chapter 5: A Tour of the New Age
  • Chapter 6: Spiritual Surgery - Clean at Last
  • Chapter 7: Speaking Truth to Dead Religion
  • Chapter 8: Burdened in the Land of the Deceived
  • Chapter 9: Speaking Truth to Pottermania
  • Chapter 10: Harry Potter and Satan's Rotten Apple Cart
  • Chapter 11: Satan's Ultimate Evil


About Author

Judy Frankamp

Judy grew up in a fairly typical American home. Her father was a hypocritical alcoholic that confused her childhood with drunken bouts between model church attendance. Struggling in school and bruised by the party scene, she got into a bad marriage and sought refuge in Christian counseling that turned out to be an introduction to witchcraft.

Finally, circling back to church she found one with godly, loving people and cried her surrender to Jesus. The remainder of her book, Good Ole Rotten Apples, details her life attempting to warn others of the pitfalls that she had lived through. Chapters specifically target the evils of Harry Potter and other New Age deceptions, as well as the hollowness of the mainline churches.



Author: Judy Frankamp
ISBN: 9780758910295
Pages: 160 - paperback
Price: $14.45