Evolution is Religion, not Science says Dr. Hovind
Do evolutionists "know" the earth is billions of years old or do they "believe" that it is? |
Fossils Prove Pre-Flood Earth Was Ideal Environment
Creation scientists are amassing evidence that life was much different before Noah's flood. |
Green River Fossil Foolishness
Evolutionists use the Green River fossilized lake beds as an argument against a young earth. I was recently in Wyoming and turned off to see for myself... |
More Evidence of Creation
Evidence that the earth-sun system was designed by God far outweighs any possibility that it all just happened to come together by mere chance. |
Spacecraft Finds More Evidence Debunking Evolution
The Cassini spacecraft that arrived in orbit around Saturn last year has made several discoveries that honest evolutionists will find disturbing. |
Time is Evolutionist's God, Says Author
"The general theory of evolution is based on several faulty assumptions," says Dr. Kent Hovind, author and creator of the Creation Seminar Video Series. |