Soul-Winner's Handy Guide, The

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176 pages - Over 14,000 Sold!
A guide book with answers to common doctrinal questions. (Read More)

English $15.95

The Soul-Winner’s Handy Guide is carefully crafted to provide sharp, succinct, scriptural answers to give to “… every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you…” (1 Pet 3:15).

It is to aid the soul-winner in understanding why he believes in what he believes with regard to the vast complexities of issues confronting him today so that he can, in turn, confidently lead another soul to the Lord.

The content of the book includes:

  • A brief pictorial presentation of the gospel.
  • 40 frequently asked questions and succinct, biblical answers.
  • Apt illustrations on salvation and soul-winning.
  • The prerequisite, priority and possibility of evangelism.
  • The errors of Roman Catholicism.
  • A systematically organized plan of salvation.

The Soul-Winner’s Handy Guide has been used in churches and bible colleges to raise up spirit-led, competent soul-winners that can meaningfully engage the lost.

This guide is prayerfully written for:

  • The Sincere Inquirer of biblical Christianity who seeks to know why there has to be God and why Christianity is the only way to heaven.
  • The Serious Christian who is looking for clear answers to give to the world the hope it is searching for.
  • The Soul-Winning Pastor who is burdened to provide his members a means by which they can engage the lost meaningfully and confidently.

"It is a really great reference tool and every Christian should have a copy!" (Dr. Phil Stringer, Exec. Vice President, Landmark Baptist College, Haines City, FLorida, USA)

"...a required reading in our Personal Evangelism Class." (Dr. Michael Brwon, Professor of Personal Evangelism Course, Heartland Bible Baptist College, Oklahoma City, USA)

Table of Contents

I: The Presentation in Personal Evangelism
II: The Problem in Personal Evangelism

  • Chapter 1: The Bible is Just a Story; Old Fashioned and Outdated
  • Chapter 2: I Cannot See God
  • Chapter 3: I Cannot Understand Everything About the Bible
  • Chapter 4: Why Would a Loving God Send a Soul to Hell Forever?
  • Chapter 5: There is No Such Thing as Sin - Everything is Relative
  • Chapter 6: I Am Sincerely Doing the Best that I Can
  • Chapter 7: I Can Make it to Heaven by My Good Works
  • Chapter 8: Doesn't Salvation by Faith Sound Too Easy?
  • Chapter 9: Why is Christianity the Only Way to God?
  • Chapter 10: All Religions are the Same
  • Chapter 11: I Cannot Feel I Need to Accept Christ
  • Chapter 12: I Need to See a Sign Before I Can Believe
  • Chapter 13: I Am Too Busy - I Still Have Time to Believe in Christ
  • Chapter 14: I Have Parental of Family Objection
  • Chapter 15: I Cannot Hold Out or I am Afraid I Will Fail If I Try
  • Chapter 16: There is Too Much to Give Up
  • Chapter 17: The Christian Life is Too Hard
  • Chapter 18: My Heart is Too Hard
  • Chapter 19: I am Too Great a Sinner
  • Chapter 20: I Must Become Better Before I Can Believe in Christ
  • Chapter 21: Why Do the Lost Find It Hard to Believe in God?
  • Chapter 22: How About Those Who Have Never Heard of Christ?
  • Chapter 23: Who Made God?
  • Chapter 24: I Am a Freethinker or an Atheist
  • Chapter 25: Why Do the Wicked Prosper and the Righteous Suffer?
  • Chapter 26: How About Those Christians Who Are Hypocritical?
  • Chapter 27: Why Are There So Many Denominations?
  • Chapter 28: Why Are Christians Constantly Bothering Others About Their Faith?
  • Chapter 29: What Happens to Babies and Little Children Who Died?
  • Chapter 30: Why Does God Allow Satan, Sin and Suffering to Exist?
  • Chapter 31: I Have Tried Christianity and Failed
  • Chapter 32: Why Should the Wicked, Who Repented at the Last Moment, Go to Heaven, While the Righteous, Who Refused to Accept Jesus Christ End Up In Hell?
  • Chapter 33: Since a Christian's Sins Have Been Paid For - Past, Present and Future - Does That Mean He Can Continue In Sins?
  • Chapter 34: Why Does Paul Teach Salvation by Faith While James Seems to Teach Salvation by Work?
  • Chapter 35: What About the Beliefs of Karma, Rebirth, Nirvana, Etc?
  • Chapter 36: What About Idol Worship?
  • Chapter 37: What About Astrology, Necromany, Paranormal Activites, UFOs, Extraterrestrial Beings, Etc?
  • Chapter 38: Where Does the Bible Show that Jesus Christ is God?
  • Chapter 39: What About the Trinity - One God Existing in Three Distinct Persons?
  • Chapter 40: How About Evolution?

III. The Precept in Personal Evangelism
IV. The Picture in Personal Evangelism
V. The Potential in Personal Evangelism

Table of Contents

I: The Presentation in Personal Evangelism
II: The Problem in Personal Evangelism

  • Chapter 1: The Bible is Just a Story; Old Fashioned and Outdated
  • Chapter 2: I Cannot See God
  • Chapter 3: I Cannot Understand Everything About the Bible
  • Chapter 4: Why Would a Loving God Send a Soul to Hell Forever?
  • Chapter 5: There is No Such Thing as Sin - Everything is Relative
  • Chapter 6: I Am Sincerely Doing the Best that I Can
  • Chapter 7: I Can Make it to Heaven by My Good Works
  • Chapter 8: Doesn't Salvation by Faith Sound Too Easy?
  • Chapter 9: Why is Christianity the Only Way to God?
  • Chapter 10: All Religions are the Same
  • Chapter 11: I Cannot Feel I Need to Accept Christ
  • Chapter 12: I Need to See a Sign Before I Can Believe
  • Chapter 13: I Am Too Busy - I Still Have Time to Believe in Christ
  • Chapter 14: I Have Parental of Family Objection
  • Chapter 15: I Cannot Hold Out or I am Afraid I Will Fail If I Try
  • Chapter 16: There is Too Much to Give Up
  • Chapter 17: The Christian Life is Too Hard
  • Chapter 18: My Heart is Too Hard
  • Chapter 19: I am Too Great a Sinner
  • Chapter 20: I Must Become Better Before I Can Believe in Christ
  • Chapter 21: Why Do the Lost Find It Hard to Believe in God?
  • Chapter 22: How About Those Who Have Never Heard of Christ?
  • Chapter 23: Who Made God?
  • Chapter 24: I Am a Freethinker or an Atheist
  • Chapter 25: Why Do the Wicked Prosper and the Righteous Suffer?
  • Chapter 26: How About Those Christians Who Are Hypocritical?
  • Chapter 27: Why Are There So Many Denominations?
  • Chapter 28: Why Are Christians Constantly Bothering Others About Their Faith?
  • Chapter 29: What Happens to Babies and Little Children Who Died?
  • Chapter 30: Why Does God Allow Satan, Sin and Suffering to Exist?
  • Chapter 31: I Have Tried Christianity and Failed
  • Chapter 32: Why Should the Wicked, Who Repented at the Last Moment, Go to Heaven, While the Righteous, Who Refused to Accept Jesus Christ End Up In Hell?
  • Chapter 33: Since a Christian's Sins Have Been Paid For - Past, Present and Future - Does That Mean He Can Continue In Sins?
  • Chapter 34: Why Does Paul Teach Salvation by Faith While James Seems to Teach Salvation by Work?
  • Chapter 35: What About the Beliefs of Karma, Rebirth, Nirvana, Etc?
  • Chapter 36: What About Idol Worship?
  • Chapter 37: What About Astrology, Necromany, Paranormal Activites, UFOs, Extraterrestrial Beings, Etc?
  • Chapter 38: Where Does the Bible Show that Jesus Christ is God?
  • Chapter 39: What About the Trinity - One God Existing in Three Distinct Persons?
  • Chapter 40: How About Evolution?

III. The Precept in Personal Evangelism
IV. The Picture in Personal Evangelism
V. The Potential in Personal Evangelism


About Author

Y. T. Wee

The author is an independent Baptist, having the privilege to pastor 3 Baptist churches, two of which he had the privilege to start.

For more than 30 years, he has served in the Shalom Baptist Church, Singapore. Beside pastoring, he writes and does bible conferences in the Asia-Pacific Rim. He is happily married with four wonderful children. It is his prayers and asipiration in his sunset years to move on to the ministry of the printed page and to leave behind a lasting legacy for the future generations. A drop of ink can make a million think.


Author: Y. T. Wee
ISBN: 9789810487942
Pages: 176 - Paperback
Price: $15.95