All Roads Lead to Rome?

In a shocking statement to an ecumenical conference last week, Pope Francis said, “There’s only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Seikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and they are different paths [to God].”

He doubled down several days later in a video conference to another ecumenical group. This time, he said, “Contemplate the diversity of your traditions as a wealth, a wealth willed by God.”

Astoundingly, this Pope told Buddhists, Sikhs, Catholics, Muslims, and people of any religious flavor whatsoever that their individual religion is “wealth willed by God.” In essence, he told them, ‘You are who you are, according to the will of God, so don’t even try to find the truth.’

This is how the spokesman for one false religion is essentially praising all other false religions as equal. Why not? Every false religion does lead to the same place – it’s just not to God or Heaven.

The Pope’s statements are an example of syncretism. Syncretism is the practice of merging separate, distinct religions into one hybrid religion that appeals to everyone in those belief systems. We see this practice in Catholic holidays like Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), where indigenous practices of ancestor worship and the Catholic traditions of saint veneration go hand-in-hand. We also see syncretism in Japan where the majority follow a blend of Shinto and Buddhist traditions.

Even some Muslims promote syncretism, claiming that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the bridge between Christianity and Islam. Muslim professor and scholar Ayatollah Ahmad Moballeghi recently stated in another interfaith conference, “… the Quranic focus on [Mary] made her a bridge between Islam and Christianity… Her character contributes to strengthening solidarity and cooperation between Muslims and Christians.”

Gian Matteo Roggio, a Catholic priest in Italy, who shares a similar view, helped launch a 10-week webinar promoting Mary as a model of faith for Christianity and Islam. After working closely with the Grand Mosque of Rome and the Islamic Cultural Center of Italy, he stated that Mary is “a Jewish, Christian, and Muslim woman.”

Unsurprisingly, Pope Francis agrees with Ayatollah Moballeghi and Gian Roggio. In May he said, “Mary is a figure common to both Christianity and Islam. She is a common figure; she unites us all.”

These statements are concerning on several levels. Though the Pope routinely speaks for the Catholic church, unbelievers around the world may not realize that he speaks only for Catholics, not true Bible believers.

What would an unbeliever think who is searching for truth, who hears the Pope essentially say that everybody has the truth? That certainly won’t help him or her find it. Catholic clergy are concerned that Pope Francis’ statement may keep people away from the Catholic church. His statement could keep people from seeking the Gospel altogether, unless we born-again believers bring them the true gospel.

This should be ringing a warning bell for us, after reading statements like these, as we get closer and closer to the end times. Satan’s goal is a one-world government, one-world religion, and complete control.

One day, the antichrist will stand up and demand worship. If the Pope declares that all roads lead to Rome today, what will he say during the tribulation? Surely, his recent statements are a prelude to the future announcement that the anti-Christ is the world’s savior and should be worshipped as such.

The world is hurtling at breakneck speed toward the end times. In the meantime, we are responsible with going to the world, sharing the hope of the Gospel, and preaching Jesus Christ alone. The lost need to be shown that there is capital-T truth, and that their very souls depend on it. That is why we have the gospel message clearly printed in every Chick tract.

If you want to see many examples of Catholic syncretism, read “Babylon Religion” by David W. Daniels. Illustrated by Jack T Chick, it makes it easy to see how the Catholic Church absorbs other religions, producing the idolatrous mixture we see today.

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