Is the Library Safe for Your Children?


Most parents are quite pleased when a child wants to go to the library.

But libraries are no longer sacred ground in today's war for the souls of our children. 

Public libraries and school libraries have both become battlegrounds in this war. Satan understands that old principle of “garbage in, garbage out” and wants to make sure that young minds have sufficient doses of garbage. His success can be measured by today's high suicide rate and the massive market for antidepressants.

For several years now, alarmed parents have been standing bold in board meetings, courageously reading back to the board members some of the filth found in their libraries. One telling incident illustrates the confusion. 

In one meeting, a parent was reading an excerpt of sexual perversity from a book available in the library. She was stopped by a board member, embarrassed that children might be watching the live video feed of the proceedings. Yet the book was an approved offering in the library.

So, how can it happen that the parents are blindsided by this smut fed to their children? Even board members responsible for these libraries sometimes appear to be surprised. 

The answer to that question is complex and it did not happen overnight. During the 19th century of rapid growth in this country, schools were established around a central board of trustees. They were responsible for the budget, selecting teachers and staff, and providing adequate facilities.

During the 20th century, people settled into the cities and education became more complex. Universities grew up to answer the need for technological and scientific specialties.

But Satan was not sitting on his hands. He had birthed the lie of evolution, which grew up to foster many evil offspring. One was the concept that God was no longer needed, since science had all of the answers.

If God was no longer in control, then someone else had to be. People began to believe that central control by the government was the easiest answer. Society was separated into the worker bees, governed by an all-wise elite class. This central control has come to have many names; communism, socialism, collectivism, central planning, etc.

So, how have the kids fared in this transition? In lock-step, control of the classroom has been largely given to these central planners. State and federal departments of education hand down curriculum and testing standards. More and more, local taxes have gone to the central planners, who openly state that the children belong to them rather than the parents.

And Satan must be reacting with glee to what has been happening in the decades after God was taken out of the universities.

God-fearing parents are waking up to realize that they are playing against a stacked deck. They are shocked at the disdain of the public school staff for the parent’s desire to raise their children with a biblical worldview.

Parents are discovering that they are no longer dealing with a “public” school, but a school largely owned by the government. And it is a government that assumes that it owns the souls of its citizens.

The struggles over the contents and programs of the local libraries are simply the tip of the iceberg. Local citizens are finding they have little control over whether pornographic material is on their library shelves or whether homosexuals are allowed to present their drag queen “art” in their facilities.

Sometimes, library boards mistakenly choose library staff only for their academic credentials and pay little attention to their moral worldview. They end up discovering that they have simply hired highly competent adversaries who will scream about the evils of banning books whenever they are questioned. They will usually argue that they are exercising their constitutional right to free speech when they put the filth on the library shelves.

Some parents are finding favorable judges when the question is taken to court. But those who decide to come out publicly against this beast must realize how big it is. Activists in the educational field have been taught sophisticated grooming techniques designed to destroy all Christian faith. What they replace it with is an evolutionist worldview of despair without purpose or hope. The children are taught that they exist as an accident in an uncaring cosmos.

One of Satan's generals in this war, Emily Drabinsky, made a revealing statement when she was elected head of the 50,000 member American Library Association (ALA). She tweeted, “I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian[,] who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world[,] is the president-elect of @ALALibrary.” Many public libraries rely on this American Library Association to recommend books that they carry on their shelves. All the more reason that parents should approach library use with caution. Many of those leaders are committed to promoting political servitude as well as moral corruption.

To help parents with their determination to guide their children into a solid biblical worldview, Chick Publications combined over 20 Bible story tracts into one 176-page volume. It blends Jack Chick’s unique dramatization of these familiar stories with page after page of world-class artistic detail. We all remember striking pictures from intriguing storybooks that were imprinted forever in our memory when we were children.

We cannot protect our children forever from the filth of the world, but we can give them an alternative view with God's unforgettable truth portrayed by these timeless Bible stories. If this book is left where they can get it, they will probably come back to it over and over during the summer vacation.

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