Chick tracts are at the center of a confrontation in Florida over a new Mosque being planned in Pompano Beach. Pastor O`Neal Dozier decided to use the tracts Men of Peace and Who is Allah to alert the neighborhood.
Dozier, who holds a doctorate in Jurisprudence and has taught law at community colleges, pastors a large African American church in Pompano Beach. He has also been appointed to numerous government and political commissions advising Florida Governor Jeb Bush and President George W. Bush on policy issues involving the African American community.
He served two terms in the U.S. Marines and played and coached professional football. He is known in the local Christian community as an uncompromising preacher of the Word. But because of Dozier`s stand against Islam, Governor Bush removed him from a judicial nominating committee when Dozier called Islam a "cult" on a radio show.
Leading up to the midterm elections, Dozier was also serving on a policy council for Florida`s gubernatorial nominee, Charlie Crist. As soon as word spread that Pastor Dozier was distributing the tracts on Islam, he was told that he was being removed from the council, specifically "because of the pamphlets I`ve been passing out in the area where the Muslims want to move," Dozier said.
A local newspaper reported that Dozier was removed the day after the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) demanded that he be dismissed. CAIR is a "Muslim civil liberties and advocacy group," according to their web site:
Pastor Dozier says that because of one little phrase, he was immediately removed from all positions of influence in the government. But he is not about to stop educating his church and neighborhood about the evils of Islam. The team from his church is still going house-to-house. They knock on the door, hand out the two tracts on Islam and say, "You need to read these! They will tell you all you need to know about Islam."
When Pastor Dozier learned that a 29,000 square foot mosque was planned near his church, he sent for the tracts on Islam. As he saturated the neighborhood with the tracts, he asked the people to join a rally at a city council meeting, protesting the zoning permit that had been issued for the mosque.
Then, on a radio program, he called Islam a "cult" that teaches evil and hatred. The reaction was immediate. The next day, he was informed that he was no longer welcome on the election commission and advisory councils.
"I had it all," says Pastor Dozier. Friend of the governor, advisor to the president, and other positions on government commissions and councils, a situation many would envy. But, when he stood up for truth, he became anathema.
Yet, he is not discouraged. He is determined that his neighborhood shall know the truth. His team continues to go house-to-house, using the tracts to educate about the threat of Islam. "The people in my community are generally poor and do not read a lot," says Pastor Dozier. "The illustrated tracts are just right to help them understand the dangers of Islam.."
Being booted from his positions of influence has only caused Pastor Dozier to redouble his efforts at getting the gospel out. He recognizes that the battle is first for the soul and then for the vote. America is great because she was founded on biblical principles of freedom and truth. We must use that freedom to spread the truth, the good news that Jesus saves and changes lives.