How One Tract Brightened a Family’s Dark Day

Greg continues to look for additional opportunities to just get the gospel out there in front of people. Besides bus stops and business parking lot ministries, they have found places where they can set up a book table and display tracts and other helpful literature. Street preaching is more difficult than it used to be, with the people always in a hurry and sometimes hostile. A strategically placed book table like this one manned by members of Greg’s team, Dawn Montgomery and Robert Willis, can attract the attention of people passing by and sort out those who will take time to receive a free tract.

Greg Watford has a very effective ministry on the streets of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. His story was featured in the January/February 2023 issue of BATTLE CRY. He saw many lounging at the city bus stops killing time before their next ride. Looking for a way to get the gospel in front of more people, he approached them with a handful of tracts, and found them very receptive.

As detailed in the previous story, he and his team have seeded tens of thousands of gospel tracts into the communities served by the bus routes. He reports that nearly 400 have been saved right there on the streets.

This lady was led to Christ by Greg Watford’s team at a local bus stop.

Greg recently shared a touching story that illustrates again the power of the gospel delivered by an engaging story:

My wife and I went to eat one afternoon and saw a 17-year-old girl crying with her mom hugging her in the line where we were standing. When we moved up to pay, we asked why she was so upset and were told that a family member that was 71 had passed away.

After paying, we stood behind them once again waiting to be seated and told them we were sorry about their loss. The mom explained they were from Florida —a 10-hour drive— and were there to handle the ashes for this dear loved one.

I gave the mom The Greatest Story Ever Told and gave her daughter Lil Suzy. The interesting thing about this Lil Suzy tract, it was found on the ground and had been ripped on the front cover. It had been in my car for several weeks and the night before I had brought it into the house and taped it up.

I thought to myself “Lord, nobody is going to want this tract due to the way it looks.” Little did I know what God had in store for this one tract. The family had a group of 8 to 10 members that had travelled together for this event. When everyone got up to leave, the mom remained seated. She read that tract, Lil Suzy, from cover to cover and came to our table thanking us and stated how much that tract meant to her in their hour of hurting and loss.

The mom said that she was going to get with her daughter to read it together. Come to find out, her sister was named Suzy!!! That same 17-year-old girl, who was weeping and crying came by our table and gave us one of the biggest smiles you have ever seen.

Sometimes we think nobody cares or that what we are doing doesn’t make a difference. But with God something like a taped-up tract can make all the difference in the world in a person’s life!!! To God be all the Glory!!!

Anyone who wishes to contact Greg for more information on his ministry can reach him at (225)-235-3627 or by e-mail at

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