Answers To My Mormon Friends

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80 pages
This easy-reading book, written for either Christians or Mormons, proves that Mormonism is not of God, and includes a clear gospel message and salvation appeal. (Read More)

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Answers To My Mormon Friends
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Mormonism stands or falls on the life of its founder, Joseph Smith

That's why you (and Mormons who read this book) will be amazed as you learn about Smith's personal life, starting with his early youth and progressing to his later years.

This well-researched book also exposes serious problems with the doctrines Smith created, as well as facts you need to know about his abilities as a translator.

  • Learn about Joseph Smith's brushes with the law.
  • Read about how, in his younger days, he was found guilty of using occult practices to defraud people.
  • Learn of a Mormon historian who concedes that Joseph Smith was the "village magician."
  • See examples of doctrines Smith created that contradict the very Bible Mormons claim to believe.
  • Learn of several of Smith's doctrines that contradict the Book of Mormon.
  • See how some of his doctrines even contradict each other.
  • Discover how Mormonism has been forced to change its doctrines over the years.
  • Learn about the thousands of changes and corrections that have been made to the Book of Mormon.

This easy-reading book provides powerful information to convince Mormons that their religion cannot be of God. It was written to be read by either Christians or Mormons, and includes a clear presentation of the gospel and an invitation to trust Christ alone for salvation.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Mormon Scriptures

  • Who Are The Mormons
  • The Mormon's Scriptures
  • Where Did the Book of Mormon Come From
  • Correcting the Most Correct Book
  • History. Archeology, and the Book of Mormon
    • The Languages
    • The Animals
    • The People

Chapter 2: Mormon Salvation

  • Celestial Glory
  • Terrestrial Glory
  • Telestial Glory
  • Hell
  • Reflecting on Salvation
  • Does The Book of Mormon Speak of Temple Marriage?
  • How Many Wives

Chapter 3: The Book of Mormon and Church Doctrine

  • Many Gods
  • Baptism for the Dead

Chapter 4: Joseph Smith

  • Smith's Background
  • Smith as a Translator
  • Smith's Later Years
  • The Proof of a Prophet
  • The Next Step
  • Baptism
  • Good Works

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Mormon Scriptures

  • Who Are The Mormons
  • The Mormon's Scriptures
  • Where Did the Book of Mormon Come From
  • Correcting the Most Correct Book
  • History. Archeology, and the Book of Mormon
    • The Languages
    • The Animals
    • The People

Chapter 2: Mormon Salvation

  • Celestial Glory
  • Terrestrial Glory
  • Telestial Glory
  • Hell
  • Reflecting on Salvation
  • Does The Book of Mormon Speak of Temple Marriage?
  • How Many Wives

Chapter 3: The Book of Mormon and Church Doctrine

  • Many Gods
  • Baptism for the Dead

Chapter 4: Joseph Smith

  • Smith's Background
  • Smith as a Translator
  • Smith's Later Years
  • The Proof of a Prophet
  • The Next Step
  • Baptism
  • Good Works


About Author

Thomas Heinze

Thomas Heinze served for 34 years as an evangelical missionary in Italy with WorldVenture, first in evangelism and then directing the publishing house, Edizioni Centro Biblico.

Since retiring in Portland, Oregon, his love for souls and experience in publishing led him to prepare several gentle, but powerful witnessing tools for the various cults that he had dealt with. He has written five books and two mini-books published by Chick Publications.

He has a Bachelor's Degree from Oregon State University and a Masters in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary.

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Author: Thomas Heinze
ISBN: 9780758904577
Pages: 80 - Paperback
Price: $9.95