Publisher's Forward: Is Alberto For Real?

Here at Chick Publications, we frequently receive reports of well known "Christian" leaders who attack us because of our stand on Roman Catholicism. They continually repeat the well-worn Catholic position on Alberto Rivera, doing everything they can to discredit him, yet ignoring the facts entirely.

Several years ago, when Dr. Rivera first told me his amazing story, he showed me a tremendous amount of documents, letters, I.D. cards and photographs of himself as a priest, wearing his vestments. All this information gave me absolute proof that he had in fact been a Jesuit priest.

Dr. Rivera warned me that the forces of Rome would attack me without mercy if I dared to write his story. He said they would do their best to destroy our reputation by flooding the country with false information.

I prayed about it, and the Lord gave me the go-ahead to print his story. I felt it was vital to get Dr. Rivera's message both to the body of believers who use our materials, and to the multiplied millions of unsaved Roman Catholics who are being deceived by this false religious system.

I was totally committed even unto death to obey the Lord and expose this whore of the book of Revelation.

I am shocked by those who claim to be experts on all the other enemies of the gospel, yet never open their mouths about the spiritual whoredom of Rome. I can only repeat the warning of the Apostle Paul, the writer of the book of Romans, that great epistle on the doctrine of salvation by faith, (not works, penance, or being religious):

"Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause division and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."
Romans 16:17-18

After personally knowing Dr. Rivera and closely watching both his life and his vibrant soul winning ministry for the last ten years, I am totally convinced that he is a true servant of God.

I've seen the physical attacks on both him and his wife. I've seen the bullet holes in their home. I've seen him ruthlessly slandered by Catholic controlled "Christian" magazines.

The more he's persecuted, the more convinced I am that his message is true and vitally important. I rejoice that because of his willingness to expose Rome, many precious Roman Catholics have been saved and now know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. They have left the "mother of harlots," and are now serving God in truth, according to His blessed Word.

I know I will stand before the Lord some day and learn of the multitudes who escaped the burning flames of hell. They will spend eternity basking in the warm glow of heaven because they learned the blessed truth through Dr. Rivera's story.

On that day I know I'll look back and recall the high cost of exposing Rome but conclude that all the attacks and persecutions were worth it. I know my only thought will be, "Praise God for the precious souls that were won to Christ."

Without question, Dr. Rivera is for real:

  • The fact that no one has ever disproved his priestly credentials proves he's real.
  • The persecution he's endured since he began exposing Rome proves he's real.
  • The thousands of souls that have been saved through his ministry prove he's real.
  • History, and the writings of many others prove he's real.

All the facts prove one thing: Alberto Rivera is for real. And the message he tells is just as real. It is not a message of hate, as the Catholic hierarchy likes to insist. Rather, it is the ultimate message of love…to willingly suffer the attacks and persecution to awaken people to the false teachings of this corrupt religious system.

May the eyes of many precious Roman Catholics be opened and may their souls be won to Christ through the information contained in this short book.

That is our prayer and our goal.

Your brother in Christ,

Jack T. Chick

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