Gay Men to Become the New Catholic Teachers

Gay Men to Become the New Catholic Teachers

On January 10, 2025, the Vatican approved new guidelines allowing openly gay men to join Catholic seminaries to prepare them to teach congregations—on the condition that they live a celibate (Catholic definition: unmarried) life. This drastic departure from the 2005 rule, which barred gay men from seminaries altogether, is yet another glaring example of how the Vatican continues to compromise biblical truth to appease the world.

A Counterfeit Church

This isn’t the first time the Catholic Church has abandoned the Bible, and it won’t be the last. The Vatican teaches that only priests and popes can rightly interpret the Bible, hell isn’t permanent, you can “atone” for sins in purgatory, and doing penance for yourself or a loved one will get you to heaven faster. Their blasphemous worship of the virgin Mary goddess and the Eucharist wafer god are two more contradictions of the Bible’s clear teaching.

When the Catholic Magisterium—the supposed "teaching authority of the Church”—holds the power to overrule Scripture, it’s only a matter of time before they justify any and all sin. The current situation with gay clergy is just the latest symptom of a much larger problem: not holding to the Bible as the final authority.

A Dire Warning

When the written word of God is not the sole authority, doctrines will change to suit the whims of the world. If a pope, priest, or even a Christian pastor can alter basic teachings to fit modern culture, anything goes. We all know that the Catholic Church is a counterfeit institution, built on human tradition and papal authority, not the unchanging word of God. But what does your pastor teach from the pulpit? Does he rest on the authority of Scripture alone?

Does your pastor quote, “Thus saith the Lord” or “Yea, hath God said?” Have you ever heard your pastor say something like, “Your Bible probably says this, but it should really say…” If so, you just heard him question the very authority of God’s word. Your pastor decided that what he thinks the Bible should say is better than God’s own words (translated into plain English)!

The Bible vs. Man-Made Doctrines

The Catholic Church has always placed its own traditions and papal decrees above the Bible. But it cannot change the fact that God’s Word is eternal and unchanging. The Vatican’s flip-flops are nothing more than a symptom of their complete abandonment of the authority of Scripture.

When a Christian pastor does not view Scripture as the final authority, we also have problems. These men are all too willing to substitute what they think the Bible should say in place of what it actually says. This kind of substitution doesn’t lead to increased trust in the Bible or belief in the words of God. Instead, it promotes confusion, doubt, and a lack of faith. After all, if your Bible isn’t perfect, then how can you trust anything in it?

But we have the perfect, preserved words of God in English—the King James Bible. It is the inspired and infallible truth, unchanged and unaltered since it was translated by faithful men under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The KJV stands as the ultimate authority for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness, never needing revision or correction by modern translations. And God has confirmed it for over 400 years by the fruit of faith, hope, revivals and world missions.