The first day was quiet with vendors still setting up. However, visitors included a Muslim family who came with questions about "Christians" and, beside discussion, agreed to receive tracts and literature. On the second day, the crowds picked up. A thousand tracts were taken and 9 people accepted Christ. "We have great liberty to witness not only in our booth but also to people walking throughout the fair," Schultz reported in an email. The third day was even busier: "Today we saw 5 people accept Christ as their Savior. Over 2,500 Chick tracts were distributed, and the Gospel was shared with many personally, one-on-one." Through the Mission Fund, Chick customers have placed millions of Chick tracts into the hands of missionaries worldwide. They report that saturation with tracts often stirs hearts enough that churches are easy to plant as a result. And it multiplies from there. The people already know how effective tracts are in extending the outreach of the new church. |
Although we are not legally structured as a non-profit, and therefore cannot give tax-deductible receipts, we definitely know how to get literature into missionaries` hands. They often write to us asking if anyone can help them get Chick tracts.
"I wanted to write & thank you for the tracts that you sent us through the Chick [Mission Fund]. We will put them to good use here in St. Vincent! The people are now coming to me, stopping me on the road for, as they call them the 'Little Books'. We just gave out a thousand! This new order will hold us for awhile. Again, Thank you for your kindness towards us!
God bless and again Thank You! Thank You!
100% of the funds you send to the Chick Mission Fund are used to ship literature to missionaries. We receive requests all the time from missionaries who need help. If you have questions you can call us at (909) 987-0771 or email us at