Sodomite Sex Now Taught in Public Schools

If it is not already there, instructions in sodomy will be coming soon to elementary schools in your neighborhood, if the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has their way. WorldNetDaily reports that, "Instructions on homosexual sodomy and a glorified account of lesbian pedophilia are among the instructional materials approved by the Los Angeles Unified School District for use in "diversity" and "safety" programs being presented to elementary through high school students."

The instruction materials came to light as California Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy presented a bill to the state legislature banning instructions in homosexuality in the public schools. He presented as evidence, curriculum materials which encouraged homosexual experimentation and stories of teens who "discovered" their lesbian "orientation" after being seduced by a teacher.

Mountjoy`s bill died in committee. He could only conclude that the committee`s vote against his bill meant their approval of the continued use of the material in public schools.

Included in the instruction materials was a recommended reading list to "help parents understand and accept their gay and lesbian children."

Young, Gay & Proud, One Teenager In 10: Writings by Gay & Lesbian Youth and Homophobia as Child Abuse are three of the 27 recommended titles. Parents who wished to review the books were told to look for them at local bookstores that cater to the homosexual market.

The strength of the juggernaut against decency and marriage in our culture is illustrated by the fact that 39 organizations registered objections to Mountjoy`s bill with only 3 in favor.

Several recent legislative acts have been passed addressing violence and safety in the public school. These are being used as a mandate by the school districts to provide sensitivity training about various hate-violence issues including homosexuality.

Organizations such as GLSEN are providing guidance to the schools on how to teach all students that the deviant sex practiced by homosexuals is really a normal and healthy expression of love. Their theory is that the more detailed the descriptions, the easier it will be for the students to decide their own sexual "orientation." All this is done in the name of eliminating violence caused by intolerance.

This ruse is being used to introduce our children to gross and destructive sex that is an abomination to God. Studies show that those who practice sodomite sex are many times more likely to contract AIDS and other diseases which shorten their average life span by a couple of decades.

Christian parents whose children attend the government schools must be alerted to this danger. Make sure you know what each course contains and be especially alert to special assemblies or seminars geared to "sensitivity," to "diversity" or countering "intolerance."

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