I was an 82nd Airborne paratrooper stationed in Ft. Bragg, NC. I was dealing and doing drugs, and my lifestyle was horrific and self-destructive. A Christian in my unit began to witness to me about Christ. He committed his Wednesdays (normally church days) to studying the Bible with me at the local Pizza Hut. After some months of doing this, it became apparent that I was using him, and steering the conversation away from Christ. He ended our rendezvous and as a last resort left a This Was Your Life under my door. I read it, became convicted of my sin, asked Christ to forgive me, and was born-again. The next day he shipped out, and I didn't have a chance to tell him what his testimony did.
R.C., Hutchinson, KS
I am on disability and live out in the country. For me to have a ministry seemed pretty hopeless, nevertheless, I asked God to give me one. Faith in these prayers were a bit of a struggle until I discovered Chick tracts. Now when I go anywhere I leave your tracts everywhere. I praise the Lord and thank you for giving me a ministry.
R.P., Madill, OK
A customer called and said that he gave his daughter The Choice tract. He had tried to reach her for the Lord many times. The next time he saw her, he said she had a different smile on her face. She is now saved and wants to be baptized in water. He said that since a tract can do that he bought 5000 tracts and started distributing them everywhere.
L.W., Lewisburg, TN