
Discounts on tracts are available if purchased in packs (25 tracts per pack). Please see the discount tables below for details:

Packs of Tracts

Packs (25 tracts per pack) Discount
40 - 79 15%
80 - 139 18%
140 - 199 20%
200 - 299 22%
300 - 399 25%
400 - 999 30%
1,000 - 1,999 40%
2,000 - 3,999 45%
4,000 + 50%

Cases (1,000 tracts per case)

Order a case (1,000 tracts per case) of any of our stock titles and get it for $124.00.

All tracts in the case will be the same language and title. Sorry, we can't mix titles or languages.

Other tracts added to your order will receive the standard retail discounts. Tracts by the case will NOT have custom printed back covers.

Quantity Discount
Sold by the case (1,000 tracts per case) 38%

For larger quantity orders of the same title:

(Learn about custom printings)
Quantity in Singles Discount
10,000 - 19,975 50%
20,000 - 29,975 52%
30,000 - 39,975 54%
40,000 - 49,975 57%
50,000 - 99,975 60%
100,000 - 149,975 63%
150,000 + 65%