![]() Oh, NO! Not Hallmark!! For generations, Hallmark channel has been a trusted babysitter. Now, if you don't want your youngsters (and oldsters) to have a favorable view of same-sex marriage, you may have to apply a bit of godly censorship to Hallmark, if you watch it at all. A trailer released for an upcoming film, Wedding Every Weekend, shows two smiling women celebrating their wedding day. It's not like we were not warned. Earlier in the year, George Zaralidis, vice president of network program publicity at Hallmark's parent company, Crown Media Family Networks, wrote in a emailed statement, "Diversity and inclusion is a top priority for us and we look forward to making some exciting programming announcements in the coming months, including announcements about projects featuring LGBTQ storylines, characters, and actors, We are committed to creating a Hallmark experience where everyone feels welcome." Well, not everyone "feels welcome." One Million Moms, an organization of Christian and conservative moms issued a statement that the "...network has recently caved to LGBTQ pressure and has done a one-eighty from the wholesome content the channel once aired...Hallmark Channel was one of the remaining channels that families could watch without being bombarded by politically correct commercials and the LGBTQ agenda." One Million Moms has collected over 60,000 signatures petitioning Hallmark not to "add LGBTQ movies to the Hallmark Channel Lineup." This is a battle for the minds and futures of a generation of children. Jack Chick saw this day coming over two decades ago. There are several tracts that you can read and order on Chick.com dealing with homosexuality. One is titled SIN CITY, written in 2001. By spreading them around, you can fight the deadly falsehood that homosexuality is just an "alternate lifestyle." Contributing to the rise of the LGBTQ effort are changes in the modern Bibles. David W. Daniels' newest paperback, NEW KING JAMES – THE BRIDGE BIBLE, contains over 10 pages detailing how the word "sodomites" was changed to "perverted persons," and "temple prostitutes," etc. All of these changes from the classic King James Bible water down the sinful lifestyle that God calls an abomination! Author David Daniels shows us in this book that the classical language (including the "thees" and "thous") is not all that was changed. Some of the "updates" actually change doctrines! What's Wrong with the "Queen James" Bible? In all of the counterfeit Bibles floating around today, one was published specifically to eliminate God’s view on homosexuality. The publisher says they only changed 8 verses in the KJV to make their "Queen James" Bible version. However, they've removed an entire doctrine by doing so. Watch the video to see for yourself. ![]() Did you receive our last email newsletter? If not, here's what you missed... 1. The Bullet Didn't Stop the Tract from Doing Its Job. Customer Service Have a question? Please contact us.
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