Revival in the Church

When the culture began to crack at the seams in the middle of the last century, many Bible believers started to warn of the rotten fruit of the rising rebellion against God’s way.

During that time, someone gave Jack Chick a copy of Charles Finney’s “Revival Lectures.” As a result, he became so burdened by the growing disregard for God, that he took many of Finney’s teachings and added illustrations to help drive home the point.

This resulted in a book, entitled The Last Call, and it is a “revival manual” that will help ignite revival fire in your life and in your church.

You don't have to look very far to see that we need revival in our churches, our homes and our own lives.

As you read this book, the penetrating words of Charles G. Finney, along with the thought-provoking cartoons of Jack T. Chick, will show you what it will take to have revival.

Here's what other Christians say


Conquering Conviction

If there has ever been a book that brings conviction, repentance, and Godly zeal for revival it is this one. I cannot remember ever going from crying over my sin to street witnessing in the same day.

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Great reading!

I must read this repeatedly at least once a year and I bought extra to give out to men at my church!

•  •  •  •  • 

Sarah T

A must read in these perilous times!!

A great resource for anyone seeking revival!! Not only did this book convict me of my own need for revival, but it laid out the plan for that personal revival as well! It is also a great read for anyone before going into revival services at your local church.

•  •  •  •  • 

Navajo B

This booklet is an eye opener for these last days!

I purchased these books for our young preachers class. While I teach a lot of Bible, I also give out other resources to help the preachers and inform and educate them in the need for revival in our day.

The Last Call

If you are serious about revival in your life, home, or church, this book is for you.

The Last Call

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The Last Call 5-Pack

Buy a 5-pack of "The Last Call" to share with your family, friends or church.

The Last Call 5-Pack


•  •  •  •  • 

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