LGBTQ+ Courses In Maryland

Nation’s First High School LGBTQ+ Course In Maryland

Two high schools in Maryland are scheduling a pilot course on the “history and culture” of homosexuality. The Montgomery County Board of Education unanimously approved the development of the curriculum to be offered in the spring semester.

Now Available in eBook
Save 33% when you buy "New King James - The Bridge Bible" as an eBook.

Is The New King James Bible Just An Updated King James?

It promised to be a 5th edition of the KJV, preserving "the originally intended meaning of every verse." Did publishers and translators keep their promise?

Available as an eBook for $9.99 in these editions:


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We are still offering a discount on our "Most Popular Titles Pack" if you buy 2 or more packs.

You'll save 26% and get each pack for $25 each (12 ½ cents per tract).

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This assortment contains a 25-pack of each of the 8 most popular tract titles, for a total of 200 tracts.

This pack includes 25 copies of these 8 titles (200 total tracts):


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1. New Book by David W. Daniels, "New King James - The Bridge Bible"

2. In a new video blog, author David W. Daniels tells why he wrote this book.

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